

【作者】 徐俊

【导师】 王珺;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 现代教育技术, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 反思性学习,是指通过对学习活动过程的反思来进行学习,以解决有关学习实践活动的问题。它以努力提高学习活动过程的合理性,促进学生自身发展为目的。培养学生的反思性学习能力,不仅能使学生学会学习、学会创新、提高学生的科学素养,也是基础教育改革的要求。通过中学生反思习惯、反思能力现状调查,在对调查结果分析的基础上,初步得出影响学生反思性学习能力的三个因素,即社会、教师、个人因素。针对以上理论研究的结果和信息技术教学中培养学生反思型学习能力的必要性,提出了高中信息技术课程学生反思性学习能力培养的四个过程以及信息技术反思性学习的五条策略。

【Abstract】 Reflective study means improving the activity of study in order to solve the problems presented by reflecting the procedure of studying and practicing. These aim to improve the rationality of the study course and promote the students’ development. To train students’ ability for introspection of learning will not only help them with a strategy on how to learn, to innovate and to improve their scientific accomplishments, but also meet the requirement for basic educational reform too.We will see some surveys done on the senior students’ habit of and ability for reflection. Based on the results of a survey, we have drawn a conclusion that the three main factors which affect the abilities of the students’ reflective study are society, teachers, and the students themselves. In alluding to the result of theoretical research and the necessity for improving students’ introspection of Information Technology learning, we put forward that to improve students’ introspection we need to understand that learning has four processes, and five strategies.

  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】482

