

【作者】 刘小红

【导师】 陶卓民;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 科技旅游目前已成为许多国家和地区旅游业发展的热点,无论是科技旅游的内涵还是科技旅游产品开发、科技旅游资源分类等,都得到了许多专家和学者的关注和研究。“神六”飞天,“嫦娥”奔月,良好的科技发展环境,更是催生人类对科技知识的渴求,开发科技旅游,可以让人们在游玩的过程中提升自身科技涵养,因而具有很大发展潜力和市场空间。长三角地区具有开发科技旅游所需的科技和文化条件,更具备开发科技旅游的市场条件。作为全国经济最发达地区之一,长三角的经济、文化、教育、公共事业等方方面面都与科技紧密挂钩,与科技相结合已成为人们生活的一种方式,把科技与旅游结合起来进行开发,将更进一步提升该地区的旅游产业竞争力。本文通过简要分析该地区科技旅游发展现状,深入剖析了该地区发展科技旅游的政治、经济、文化和社会等环境条件,通过对现有客源结构的市场细分和科技旅游者的行为特征分析,解构了该地区科技旅游资源的市场需求状况,探讨了长三角地区科技旅游客源市场的定位,确定了科技旅游开发的目标市场,并制定了行之有效的市场营销组合策略,提出了加快科技旅游客源市场开发的主要策略。

【Abstract】 Science and technology tourism has become an important factor in measuring a country’s tourism development level both in the developed and developing countries.The Chinese experts and scholars have paid attention to the research on the connotation of science and technology tourism,the product development,the classification of resources etc.The successful fly to the space of "ShenzhouⅥ" and the arrival of "Change" to the moon, such a good environment for development of science and technology promote human’s thirst for knowledge in science and technology.The technical knowledge People received by variety of forms of popular science education such as the science and technology sites,science and technology showcase, Vision etc is only a drop in the ocean.So the birth of Science and Technology tourism has its inevitability and objectivity.The development of science and technology tourism so that people can play in the process with upgrading its technology conservation,has great development potential and market space.Yangtze River Delta not only has the technological and cultural conditions needed by the development of science and technology tourism but also the market conditions.As the most economically developed regions, the Yangtze River Delta is closely linked with science and technology in economy,culture,education,public utilities,and other aspects. Technology has become a way of life,how to integrate the science and technology into tourism will directly affect the development and tourism competitiveness of the tourism industry upgrading of science and technology tourism.Therefore,the research on the characteristics of the tourist market has a very important significance.This paper analyses of the development of science and technology tourism political,economic,cultural and social environment on the brief research on the actuality of this area in the development of science and technology tourism.It determines the tourism market positioning based on existing scientific and technological resources and market demand.Upon the technology tourists’ characteristics analysis and tourist market segmentation,this paper established the goal of developing the tourism market and the development of effective marketing mix strategy.Finally, it bring forward the tourist market development strategy to china’s science and technology tourism.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】449

