

【作者】 王旸

【导师】 黄震方;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 亲水性是人与生俱来的特性,滨水带对于人类有着一种内在的持久的吸引力。而滨水区域分布了众多旅游资源均具有跨区域的特质。然而,目前,滨水旅游资源开发各自为政,形成开发无序、竞争无序和管理无序的局面。现有旅游资源评价体系主要侧重于对资源现状评估,对旅游资源整合条件关注较少,往往导致区域滨水旅游实际合作开发缺乏科学依据,区域滨水旅游资源的整体竞争力难以得到有效的提升。因此,有必要基于如何评价滨水旅游资源的整合条件展开相关深入研究。滨水旅游资源整合条件是开展滨水旅游整合开发活动的基础,科学地评价滨水旅游资源整合条件是滨水旅游整合开发的关键。对滨水旅游资源的整合条件作分析评价,对该地区滨水旅游整合开发模式和产品体系进行研究,对促进区域滨水旅游资源整合、滨水产品开发、滨水旅游业的发展、以及滨水带资源、经济、环境和社会的协调、可持续发展等具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。苏南地区作为水乡的典型代表,水域风光资源丰富,滨水区域内也都具有一定数量和价值的旅游资源,使本地区形成滨水旅游资源的富集区。本文以苏南地区为例,对科学整合开发我国滨水旅游资源,促进滨水旅游业发展有着一定的参考与示范价值。论文共五章,第一章介绍本文的研究背景、研究目标、意义、内容、方法、思路及创新点。第二章回顾国内外滨水旅游开发的研究进展:对滨水旅游、滨水旅游整合开发的相关概念进行界定;总结滨水旅游整合开发依据及方法;并进行基础理论研究。第三章,构建了滨水旅游资源整合条件评价指标体系,运用“层次分析法”对评价体系中各指标权数分配问题进行思考;阐述了苏南研究区概况,并且基于整合条件评价模型对苏南地区34个滨水旅游区进行资源整合条件的定性与定量评价,发现苏南地区主要滨水旅游资源整合条件等级集中于Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ级,资源整合开发空间大。第四章,确立苏南滨水旅游整合开发的内容体系,提出苏南滨水旅游整合开发模式,苏南地区滨水旅游整合开发的举措。根据苏南地区滨水旅游资源整合条件的等级评定结果,提出苏南地区滨水旅游发展的“两带、三区”的空间格局。“两带”即苏南运河旅游带、苏南滨江旅游带;“三区”为环太湖旅游区、水乡古镇旅游区、千年古城风貌区。第五章,对论文的内容进行了总结和讨论,提出了未来进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 With an innate preference for water, human beings have developed an intimate relationship with water ever since they were born. Waterfront areas, therefore, have a natural and lasting appeal to humankinds. Waterfront areas, where some tourism resources congregated, are usually cross-regionally located. This leads to the separate operation of tourism resources exploration, which in turn brings about the disorder in exploration, in competition and in management. The current appraisal system of tourism resources mainly deals with the current situation of tourism resources and less attention is paid to their integration conditions. This costs the scientific foundation of the cooperative exploration and the competitiveness of integrated tourism resources. Therefore, it’s necessary to conduct an in-depth research on how to evaluate the integration conditions of waterfront tourism resources.To investigate the integration conditions is prerequisite to the integration and exploration of waterfront tourism resources. The key to the integration and exploration of waterfront tourism is to evaluate waterfront tourism resources scientifically. The analysis and evaluation of the integration conditions in waterfront areas and the research on the exploration mode as well as on the spectrum of tourism products of waterfront tourism are good for suitable use of waterfront tourism resources. It is also of vital significance, theoretical and practical, for promoting the harmonious and sustained development in terms of tourism resources, economy, environment and society, at the same time, it acts as a reference with demonstration value with regard to the exploration of our country’s waterfront tourism resources and the promotion of waterfront tourism development.As a typical example of waterside town, the South of Jiangsu Province is rich in tourism resources of qualities and quantities because it boasts many sites of the waterfront landscape. This thesis takes the South of Jiangsu Province as a study case and it is expected that this thesis has referential and demonstrative value for scientifically integrating and exploring the waterfront tourism resources of China and for accelerating the development of waterfront tourismThis thesis comprises five chapters. The first chapter reviews the research background and introduces the goal, significance, content and methods of the research. Chapter 2 reviews the research progress and defines the concepts of waterfront tourism, tourism integration and some other relevant terms. After that, this thesis summarizes the categories of integrated development and its categorical methods and undertakes the research of some basic theories.Chapter 3 builds models correspondingly to analyze every influential factor. Then the index system for the integration conditions of waterfront tourism resources is constructed. "Principal Component Analysis" is used to confirm the index. Theoretical explanation is given in reconsidering the distribution of weighting factors to discuss the general conditions of the South of Jiangsu Province. Then, quantitative evaluation is used in appraising the integration conditions of 34 waterfront tourism attractions in the South of Jiangsu Province on the basis of qualitative research. The conclusion is that there is much room for the integration and exploration of the waterfront tourism resources because the integration conditions are rated mainly at the levels of I , II, III.Chapter 4 establishes the content system of and puts forward the mode and measures for integrating and exploring the waterfront resources of the South of Jiangsu Province. According to the result of integration appraisal, the waterfront tourism of the South of Jiangsu Province takes the spatial pattern of "Two Belts" and "Three Areas". "Two Belts" are the Cannel Tourism Belt and the Yangzi River Tourism Belt of the South of Jiangsu Province; "Three Areas" are the Tai Lake Rim Area, the Riverside Town Area and the Ancient City Area.The last chapter reaches the conclusion after discussing of the paper’s content and proposes the direction of future research.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】765

