

【作者】 李雪峰

【导师】 周兵;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 大学生是祖国的未来和希望,肩负着振兴中华的历史重任。近年来,特别是2006年9月18日,国家体育总局和教育部联合公布《第二次国民体质监测报告》以来,大学生的身体素质越来越成为人们关注的焦点。事实上,科学有效地发展大学生体能素质一直是高校体育课程的基本目标。因此,学生体能发展研究对高校体育教学以及课外体育锻炼都有重要指导意义。本文首先从体能概念研究入手,揭示了体能的基本属性、构成体系以及主要影响因素等。在此基础上,对学生体能发展的原理做进一步的研究。本研究运用文献资料法、访谈法、测试法、问卷调查法和数理统计等多种研究方法,选取南京市8所普通高校的一年级学生为研究对象,对大学生的体能状况进行统计分析。结果表明:南京市高校一年级学生的体能状况不容乐观,特别是力量和耐力素质处在一个较低水平。其原因是多方面的,主要有:高中时期体育锻炼较少;高中和大学的选项教学模式使学生逃避体能项目的学习;学生缺乏课外体育锻炼意识以及学校体育场地设施不能满足学生需要。为了有效发展大学生的基础体能,作者提出了加强大学生体能素质的对策:(1)高校应认真贯彻落实学校体育的有关方针、政策与法规,进一步加强学校体育工作;(2)改革教学模式,大学一年级开设基础体能课;(3)课内外相结合,积极开展学校体育俱乐部形式的课外活动,建立一套与之匹配的管理体系,加强课外锻炼的指导,让更多的学生参与到体育锻炼中去;(4)加大体育经费投入,搞好体育场馆设施的建设,尽最大可能为学生提供充足的活动场所。

【Abstract】 College students, being the future and hope of our nation, shoulder the important historic task of rejuvenating China. In recent years, especially since The Second National Fitness Monitoring Report was co-publicized by the State Sports Administration and the Ministry of Education on September 18, 2006, college students’ fitness has become the focus of public attention. As a matter of fact, scientific and effective improvement of college students’ fitness has long been the fundamental objective of physical education curriculum. Accordingly, the study on students’ fitness improvement is a very significant guide to college sports teaching and extracurricular physical exercises.Starting from the concept of fitness, the present thesis analyzes fitness’s essential attribute and constitution as well as the influencing factors. On this basis, a further research is conducted into the theory of students’ fitness improvement. Employing various methods such as documentary data, interviews, testing, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics, this research makes a statistical analysis of fitness of the subjects who are randomly chosen from the freshmen of eight colleges located in Nanjing. The result shows an unfavorable condition of fitness of the college freshmen in Nanjing, especially their physical strength and endurance staying at relatively low level. There are various reasons, including lack of physical exercise in high school, avoidance of fitness training which is made possible by the selective course system, low awareness of extracurricular exercise and insufficiency of sports fields and facilities. In order to improve college students’ basic fitness efficiently, the following countermeasures are put forward in the thesis. Firstly, to enhance college sports, college authorities are supposed to implement in earnest the guidelines, policies and codes concerned. Secondly, the present teaching mode needs reform and basic fitness course should be offered to freshmen. Thirdly, extracurricular activities can be actively developed in form of sports clubs under a proper supervision and instruction system so that more students are able to participate in sports. Finally, more money should be spent on construction of sports fields and facilities to supply the students with enough sporting space.

【关键词】 加强大学生基础体能对策
【Key words】 strengthencollege studentsbasic fitnesscountermeasure
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】459

