

【作者】 杨平

【导师】 阿英嘎;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 文章采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈和逻辑推理等研究方法,并运用了教育学、学校体育学的相关理论,对江苏省幼儿高等师范学校学前教育专业体育课程进行研究。研究认为,幼儿高等师范学前教育专业体育课程目标应具有“双重性”,即:既要实现大学体育目标,又要实现幼儿教育专业目标:在具体的体育课程设置中应遵循课程内容的全面性和幼儿教育的特点相结合、必修课与选修课相结合、显性课程和隐性课程相结合等原则。调查表明,江苏省幼儿高等师范学校学前教育专业紧紧围绕着其人才培养的总目标提出了向学生进行体育理论与方法教育,全面锻炼学生身体素质,提高学生健康水平,促进学生身心全面发展,培养学生热爱幼教事业并初步具有承担幼儿体育活动工作知识与能力的德、智、体等方面全面发展的幼儿教师;江苏省幼儿高等师范学校学前教育专业体育课程设置沿用的是中等师范教育的体育教学大纲,只是教学年限由三年拓展成五年和教材内容的简单单个技术的累加式组合,且课堂教学依旧是大班形式上课;江苏省升格后的幼儿高等师范学校学前教育专业的体育课程结构、教学内容等方面虽有所改革,但在总的框架和体系上没有根本突破,还是普遍沿袭或采用以往三年制中专的传统教学模式;江苏省幼儿高等师范学前教育专业公共体育课程评价过于注重用项目测试成绩来衡量学生的学习效果,忽视了对学生的学习态度、课堂表现、课外体育等方面的综合评价。据此,文章从提高认识,更新思想观念,合理进行体育课程设置;改革体育课程设置及其评价标准;加强师资力量和场地器材建设;注重课外体育,扩大体育锻炼领域;实行“抓大,放小,分流指导”的业余竞赛改革;重视体育学科建设和科学研究等方面,提出了江苏省幼儿高等师范学校学前教育专业体育课程的改革对策。

【Abstract】 The article researches a PE curriculum of pre-school normal college in Jiangsu Province by documents,questionnaires,experts’ interviews,and logical discursion.It thinks that the objects of PE curriculum of pre-school normal college have dualism.They will realize either the aims of university PE,or aims of preschool education.PE curriculum should follow the principles such as combining all sidedness of course’s contents with preschool education’s characters,combining compulsory courses with selected courses,combining dominant courses with recessive courses.The investigation indicates:encircling general objects of training the qualified,preschool normal education majors in Jiangsu Province advise to teach students PE’s theories and methods,temple students completely,improve their health,make them love preschool career and have knowledge and abilities to respond PE teaching,make them teachers in every way.PE curriculum of pre-school normal college in Jiangsu Province continue to use PE curriculum of secondary education,but teaching years turn into five years from original three years.Contents are simply accumulated.Class teaching is still in a big classroom.PE teaching in preschool normal education has been reformed,but the general frames and systems aren’t broken through radically,still using traditional teaching methods and models of secondary education.The comments of PE course measure the results of students’ learning deeply depending on sporting marks,neglecting the comments about studying attitude,habits forming,motion,and corporation of students.According to the conclusions,the article put forward reforming strategy of PE curriculum, promoting cognition,renewing views,setting PE courses reasonably,reforming PE curriculum and comment standards,enforcing teaching faculties and equipments,attaching importance to PE after class,expanding the fields of physical training,realizing amateurish competition’s reform of emphasizing importance,directing individually,attaching importance to construction of PE science and research.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1238

