

Metacognitive Strategy Training in Vocational College English Listening Instruction

【作者】 马玲玲

【导师】 朱中都;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高职高专英语课程的目的是发展学生的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能。本文通过对外语听力理解有关理论,元认知理论以及学习策略理论等研究成果进行总结与系统分析,并结合高职学生听力水平现状与所存在的问题,试图将以元认知策略指导为中心的元认知策略培训应用于高职英语听力教学,以帮助高职学生提高听力理解水平。本研究着重回答五个问题:高职学生元认知策略的使用情况如何;高职学生有哪些主要的听力问题;如何进行有效的元认知策略培训;元认知策略培训是否能有效地增强高职学生的元认知意识以及培训能否促进其听力成绩的提高。本研究的受试为某高等职业技术学院应用外语系英语专业两个班共84名一年级新生。其中一个班42名同学为实验组,接受了为期一个学期的基于元认知能力培养的听力策略培训;另一个班为控制组(42名同学),听力教学与实验组遵循相同的教纲,但是不接受任何形式的元认知培训。在为期一学期的培训结束后,对两组学生听力测试成绩以及对实验组问卷调查结果的分析与研究证实:只有实验组在接受了以元认知策略指导为中心的听力教学模式培训后,学生的元认知意识和听力水平得到了真正的提高。由此可见,在高职英语听力教学中实行元认知策略与教学相结合的培训对于提高高职学生的元认知水平、优化学习方式、增强自我监控能力和提高听力成绩都有十分积极的作用,因此对于学生基础水平不高、语言环境缺乏、学时少而教学内容多的高职高专英语教学具有十分积极的启示意义。

【Abstract】 HVTE (Higher Vocational and Technical Education) English Course aims to develop students’ basic English knowledge and skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. This thesis reports a tentative study for developing vocational college students’ listening proficiency from the viewpoint of metacognitive-strategy-centered training. This study investigates the general level of vocational college students’ metacognitive awareness about English listening comprehension and tries to explore the relationship between metacognitive strategy training and listening comprehension.Eighty-four English major students from two intact classes of a vocational college participated in the one-semester study: one class of 42 students who received metacognitive-strategy-centered instruction comprised experimental group; the other class of 42 served as control group, receiving normal strategy instruction without metacognitive components. Data were obtained and analyzed through questionnaires, the subjects’ weekly diaries and the performance of the listening tasks on a pre-post basis by both groups.The results show that metacognitive-strategy-centered listening instruction effectively increases vocational college students’ metacognitive awareness and plays a positive role in actual listening comprehension, which verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the metacognitive-strategy-centered instructional model.Based on the findings of the current research, some pedagogical implications for metacognitive strategy training are discussed, and corresponding limitations and suggestions are included in the thesis to promote future research in this field.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】328

