

【作者】 王潇

【导师】 陈章龙;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 伦理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国传统的思想文化中,伦理思想一直都占据着重要的地位。伦理精神是中国社会的核心精神,它渗透到了社会生活的各个方面,使得中国社会的发展带上了浓厚的伦理色彩。她是推动中国文化发展的重要精神动力,同时也是推动中国文学艺术发展的重要动力。随着社会的发展,当道德规范逐步受到明确规定后,伦理道德与文学的关系也逐步明朗化,伦理道德以其强大的攻势介入了文学领域,文学也就自然地成为伦理道德的必然载体。中国古代伦理传统精神对文学的影响,最直接地作用作用于文人。文人与伦理思想结合,使文学必然以伦理思想作为批评的基础。从总体上看,中国的文学很少能脱离中国传统伦理文化的基本视角去观察人生的。在社会发展中,道德总会潜移默化地成为某一人群的精神核心。它们在人们的行为道德中表现出来,同时也会在文学作品中表现出来。所以,中国的文学历来带有明确的道德功利性,甚至成为道德教化不可或缺的工具。《诗经》作为我国最早的一部诗歌总集,是我国古代文学源头上绽开的一朵奇葩。其收录诗歌305篇,以风,雅,颂顺序分类编次,广泛反映了周代社会农牧渔猎,婚恋风俗,徭役战争,劳动娱乐等各方面的社会生活状况,展现了人们充满热爱,憎恶,忧伤,欢乐等多姿多彩的内在情感世界,体现出那个时代伦理道德,历史文化,宗教信仰等种种观念。她对人类早期的血缘关系伦理生活,两性关系的伦理生活,君臣关系的伦理生活的描述反映了一个社会的特征,从中可以看到人类道德规范的社会转变,也可以了解当时人类的伦理生活状况。她是人类早期伦理生活的一幅真实的画卷,是人类早期伦理生活的真实记录,蕴含了人们对道德最原始的思考。本文对《诗经》中的伦理关系,对传统伦理中的孝、敬、德、礼、信等道德范畴,结合诗篇进行了具体分析和初步探讨。

【Abstract】 In the traditional thought of Chinese civilization,the morality of people relation has been.playing an important role.A proper relation between people is the core spirit of the society.This spirit has diffused into different aspects of the society and the development of Chinese civilization has shown greatly the beauty of this spirit.Apart from being the key spiritual dynamics to push the development of Chinese civilization, the moral spirit on a proper people relation has also pushed significantly the development of the Chinese art of literature.With the development of the society,the relationship between the morality of people and the literature has become revealed as the guidelines to morality have gradually turned obvious.The thought of morality has largely influenced in the field of literature and the literature itself has become an essential media. hiterators in China have been greatly influenced by the traditional thought of morality.Literature has been created on the foundation of morality. For example,to understand about life,the moral point of view can hardly be detached from Chinese literature.Morality has also silently become the core value of some Chinese.The moral spirit can be seen from their behaviour, and also their literatures.As a result,Chinese literature has become a very important platform to facilitate the flow of moral spirits.The Book of Odes is the earliest book of poems in China.It composes of 305 pieces of poem,and widely reflects the life styles of people in the Zhou Dynasty(1050-771BC).It covers areas like agricultural activities, marriages,wars and entertainment activities.It reveals the comprehensive feelings of people,which in turn reflect their thoughts in morality,history and religion during this period.We can therefore see the moral relations for families,couples and other relations.This book is a realistic record to see the fact about the moral relations long time ago,and how people think about morality in those old ages.In this essay,poems will be analyzed and researched against the traditional morality in dffferent aspects.

【关键词】 诗经伦理道德传统文化
【Key words】 The Book of OdesEthicMoralityTraditional Culture
  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】657

