

A Study on Historical Figures’ Teaching in High School

【作者】 龚育佳

【导师】 高益民;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 21世纪初,我国在基础教育阶段开展了新课程改革,教育部为基础教育各学科颁布了新型的课程标准。新的历史课程标准的核心是让学生通过历史课程的学习不仅掌握历史学科的基础知识,养成获取新知识的能力以及分析、解决历史问题的能力,而且培养人文精神和创新精神,塑造起健全良好的人格品质。中学历史课堂教学中讲授历史人物的知识内容不仅能使历史教学摆脱枯燥乏味的说教模式,而且能使学生通过鲜活的人物形象和人物活动更加真实地认识、了解历史。同时,在课堂上开展历史人物教学,还能对学生进行德育、美育和智育教育。准确把握中学历史人物教学的现状,总结经验,发现问题,并提出改进建议,对落实中学历史教学的育人目标具有重要意义。本文主要采用问卷调查法和文献分析法研究目前高中历史课开展人物教学的情况。通过编制《关于高中历史人物教学的调查问卷》,采用目的性取样和方便取样法抽取北京师范大学第一附属中学、北京师范大学第二附属中学和西城实验学校三所中学的高一、高二年级共310名学生进行了问卷调查。调查结果表明,目前高中历史人物课堂教学受到了绝大多数历史教师的重视,大部分教师在课堂上能够采用较为合理的方法来讲授历史人物,使得学生普遍对开展人物教学抱有学习兴趣,并在学习过程中获得了一定的分析与评价能力。与此同时,调查结果还反映出当前的高中历史人物教学存在着诸多不足,如课堂讲授内容比较有限、教学活动不太丰富、教科书的编写内容仍然存在一定的局限性等等。针对当前高中历史人物教学中存在的问题,本文从课堂教学的开展和教科书的编写两个方面对中学历史人物教学的改进与完善提出了建议。建议指出在课堂教学中,历史教师应该精选教学内容、设计好教学过程,充分关注学生的学习效果,如知识的获取情况、分析评价能力的掌握情况和精神品格的塑造情况;同时,历史教科书的编写应该精选历史人物的内容,使其成为学生的重要学习材料和学习工具。

【Abstract】 At the beginning of 21st century, our country launched the new curriculum reform at the elementary educational stage. The Ministry of Education issued the new curriculum standard for each discipline of the elementary education. The core of the new history course standard is to let student not only master basic history knowledge by learning history course, but also develop the ability to obtain new knowledge and to analyze or solve historical problem, at the same time cultivate humanistic spirit and creative spirit, mold a good personality quality . Teaching the historical figures in class can get rid of the uninteresting teaching method, and make students know the real history through the fresh image of historical figures and personage activities. Meanwhile, teaching the knowledge about historical figures in the classroom , still can carry on moral , aesthetic and intellectual education to students. Knowing the present situation of the historical figures’teaching in high school, summing up experience, and then making some suggestion to improve it, is the important significance to implement the objective of educating people comprehensively.The present thesis adopts the questionnaire method and literature analysis approach to research the situation of historical figures’teaching in high school at present. Use the purpose sampling and convenient sampling method to extract 310 students of senior one and senior two from three middle schools, that are the first and the second affiliated middle school of Beijing Normal University, and the experimental school of Xicheng District, to carry out questionnaire investigation. The investigation result indicates that, the majority of historical teacher paid attention to the historical figures’teaching in classroom at present, most teachers can adopt the comparatively rational method to teach, and it makes students generally have the positive attitude towards launching the historical figures’teaching. Meanwhile, the investigation result reflects that there still has some insufficient in the historical figures’teaching at present time, such as the historical figures’teaching in classroom is still having some certain limitations, and the content about the historical figures in the textbook remains simplification. Directing against the problems that were present in launching historical figures’teaching at present, this thesis gives some suggestions to develop the classroom teaching and textbook writing from two respects. Proposal points out that in the classroom instruction , the historical teacher should choose the content of courses carefully , design the good teaching course , pay close attention to students’ results of learning, such as the acquired knowledge, the analysis ability and the spiritual character. Meanwhile, the history textbook should organize the well content, and make itself become the important study materials and learning tools.

【关键词】 历史人物教学教科书高中
【Key words】 historyfigures’teachingtextbookhigh school
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】921

