

Research and Development of Arbitrary Waveforms Generator in rCBF Control Systems

【作者】 楼玲娣

【导师】 俞立; 何剑春;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生物医学电子学的迅速发展,其研究领域不断拓宽,地位日益重要,展示了广阔的发展前景。为了更好地解决世界上快速增长、数量庞大的脑血管病人的康复需求和脑血管疾病治疗仪技术落后之间的矛盾,目前,就如何在现有脑血管形态学诊断的基础上,进一步了解和促进脑血管功能变化已成为国际上一个新的研究热点。为此,设计制造出更适合患者需求的脑循环治疗仪已成为学术界和市场共同的迫切需求。传统脑循环仪的波形发生器由模拟电路产生,其精度低、稳定性差、体积大、灵活性差;目前最流行的脑循环仪其人体适应性差、价格高、无法和其它医疗仪器衔接。为了克服这两类治疗仪的缺点,获得脑血流量调节系统中需要的稳定性好、精度高、频带范围宽、可以方便地和其它医疗设备衔接的任意波形发生器,促进现有功能治疗仪向自动调节能力更强、市场价格更合理发展,本论文重点研究、设计了下述两个脑循环治疗仪波形发生器方案:(1)基于DE2开发系统和QuartusⅡ软件,以“TOP-DOWN”设计方法,采用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实现信号的频率合成,以超高速集成电路硬件描述语言(VHDL)形式实现波形存储器、嵌入式锁相环及直接数字频率合成技术(DDFS)各功能模块,并进行系统适配和资源锁定,形成任意波形发生器原型系统;(2)基于单片机和DDFS技术完成任意波形发生器的软硬件设计,包括单片机系统的软硬件设计、双口RAM的FPGA片内实现、FPGA单片机被动串行配置等内容。经调试,这两个系统均已能输出频率范围较宽、稳定性好、精度高的波形。实验结果表明这两个设计方案都达到了预定的要求,证明了用这两种方案来实现脑血流量调节系统中所需的波形发生器的方法是可行的。

【Abstract】 With a rapid development of Biomedical Electronics, the research field has been constantly wide spread and has been playing a more and more important role, all of which display a broad prospect of development. Nowadays, there is a contradiction between the recovering demands of cerebrovascular patients, who actually are increasing fastly in the world, and the disadvanced instruments for cerebrovascular diseases. To solve the contradiction, a new international hot topic, which is about how to further study and promote the variational cerebral blood vessel’s function on the basis of present cerebrovascular morphology diagnosis, has come out. Therefore, both the academic and market urge a demand of a new type of device which is more suitable for patients’ treatment of circulatory function.Traditional waveform generator of brain-cycle device forms analog circuits. It is not only poor in accuracy and stability, but also bulky and inflexible. At present, the popular device is poor adaptability , high prices and not linking with other instruments. In order to overcome these shortcomings, this paper designed the following two Programmes.(1)Based on the DE2 development system and the Quartus II software, the prototype system of electrical stimulation waveform generator is designed with the "TOP-DOWN" Design Method. With VHDL, it achieved the functional modules of Waveform memory, embedded phase-locked loop and DDFS. At last, fitting system and locking resources, it formed a prototype system.(2) Based on SCM and DDFS, it is to design hardware and software in AWG, which included SCM system, double-port RAM realization inside the FPA, passive serial configuration between FPGA and SCM. After repeated debugging, the system can output the waveforms with frequency ranges, good stability, highly accuracy. Through experiments, the two design options achieved the predetermined requirements. It proved the projects viable, which carry out the waves in rCBF system.

  • 【分类号】TH776
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】78

