

Reserch on the Key Technology of Product Data Management for Air Nail Gun

【作者】 陈雁

【导师】 彭伟;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术及产品开发技术的快速发展,将企业现有的设计经验、数据资料及先进的开发手段融合在一起,实施基于产品数据管理(PDM)系统集成的设计平台,提升产品创新开发的能力己十分必要。本文以国内气钉枪行业为背景,以浙江省科技厅重大科技攻关项目:“面向产品创新的数字化工业设计平台开发及在电动/气动工具产品开发中的应用”为依托,对PDM技术在气钉枪行业的应用作了深入探讨和研究。本文首先阐述了气动工具企业信息化现状,分析了目前气钉枪制造企业中存在的问题,对PDM技术做了详细介绍。其次,研究了在气钉枪产品设计过程中产生的数据,用面向对象的方法对数据进行分类,建立了产品数据模型、人员组织模型、版本管理模型。对企业现有的气钉枪设计流程进行分析与分类,建立了创新型的气钉枪设计流程。最后,分析了基于PDM系统集成的气钉枪设计平台的数据格式和数据流模型,开发了面向气钉枪的PDM系统,为了验证系统集成的可行性,完成了PDM系统与气钉枪设计平台之间的部分集成工作。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information and design technology, for improving the ability of creation, integration of experience,data and product’s advanced development technology , application of design plateform based on integration of product data management(PDM) is very important.This thesis, based on the domestic background of air nail gun and the project of "Product Digital Industrial Design Platform-Development for Product Innovation and Application of Electronic-Driving Tool/Air-Driving Tool Product-Development" from Science and Technology Bureau of Zhe jiang Province, researches on the application of PDM in air nail gun enterprises deeply.Firstly, this thesis analyzes the current situation and problems in the process of applying the information technology in air nail gun enterprises and introduces PDM in details.Secondly, the thesis does research on data in the process of design for air nail gun, divids data into some groups in the method of Object Oriented and builds models of product data, person-group and version. It analyses the process of design, combines the relative computer aided technology and creates a new process with innovation for designing air nail gun.At last, the thesis analyzes the data format and data flow model based on the integration of PDM and industrial design platform, develops a PDM system for air nail gun, accomplishes some parts of integration between PDM and industrial design platform for feasibility of program.

【关键词】 PDM气钉枪面向对象技术工作流技术集成
【Key words】 pdmair nail gunobject orientedwork flowintegration
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】46

