

Research on Fault Diagnosis of Crude Oil Distillation Process Based on SDG and Its Application

【作者】 许欣

【导师】 吴重光; 张贝克;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 系统工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 石油化工是我国的重要支柱产业之一,关系到国民经济能源、材料等许多方面,也是危险性极高的行业之一。科技和经济的发展使得石油化工过程日益大型化、复杂化。原油蒸馏过程是石油炼制的重要环节,它内在机理复杂,是一个复杂的传热,传质过程。生产中某些微小故障若不能及时排除,就有可能造成巨大的灾难。因此生产系统的安全性和可靠性就显得极其重要。提高系统安全性和可靠性的方法有多种,其中一个重要的方法就是采用故障诊断技术。故障诊断是指对运行中的机械设备或装置的异常状态的检测、异常状态原因的识别以及预测。近年来,石化生产过程故障诊断逐渐成为各相关学科研究的热点问题,并且取得了一定的成果,涌现出了一些有效的方法和技术。基于深层知识模型的SDG方法由于其完备性等特点在众多方法中日趋显著。本文首先对故障诊断技术进行了总结,概要介绍了SDG技术的原理及其用于石化过程故障诊断的优势;详细阐述了SDG模型特点、推理机制以及建模方法,并以常压塔为实例,对基于SDG故障诊断模型的建立过程进行了详细的论述。最后,进行了常压蒸馏实例推理研究,针对此前已经建立好的SDG故障诊断模型,采用反向推理正向验证的推理算法对其进行了分析研究。

【Abstract】 The petrochemical industry is one of the important pillar industries of our country,concern a lot of respects,such as national economy energy,material, etc.,it is one of the dangerous and extremely high trades too.Science and technology and economic development make the course of petrochemical industry maximize,complicate day by day.Atmospheric and vacuum distillation process is indispensable for refining plant,this is a complicated procedure of transferring heat and mass with complex mechanism.If some small troubles can’t be got rid of in time,may cause the enormous disaster in production.So the security and dependability of the production system seem extremely important.There are some kinds of methods in improving systematic security and dependability,one of important method among them is the fault diagnosis technology.Fault diagnosis means to measure the unusual state of running mechanical equipment,to discern and predict the reason of the unusual state. In recent years,the fault diagnosis of petrochemical industry production process gradually becomes the hot problem of every relevant study,in which certain achievement has been made and some effective methods and technology have been summarized.SDG method based on the deep knowledge model is becoming more remarkable in numerous methods because of its characteristics,such as simple and easy,popularization and completeness,etc.In this paper,the present fault diagnosis technology is summarized at first then the author introduces the principle of SDG and the advantage of using it in the fault diagnosis of petrochemical process.The characters of SDG model, reasoning mechanism and modeling method are deeply analyzed.An example of atmospheric tower is introduced,and modeling method based on SDG is well studied.At last,the backward reasoning and forward verification algorithm is applied to fault diagnosis of atmospheric distillation.

【关键词】 SDG故障诊断原油蒸馏
【Key words】 SDGFault diagnosisCrude oil distillation
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】167

