

Design and Implement of Assets Manager of Information System Based on Component and Software Product Line

【作者】 高迪

【导师】 杨立国;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机技术和网络技术的发展,促进信息系统不断向着集成化,智能化,网络化的方向进步,而高等教育事业的发展,特别是近年来高校间的合并与调整,则促使了学校内部的后勤,财务等的深化改革,所有这些变化对高校的资产管理工作提出了新的要求和考验。高校做为一个教育结构,对新技术的接受和适应能力较快,有一些高校已经实现了部分资产管理工作的信息化操作,但是资产管理涉及面广,变化多。每种资产业务都有自己的特征,并且每种业务特征都具有一定的可变性,但是同时这些资产业务之间也并非没有共性,如信息的添加,修改和删除等功能在资产管理工作中都是相同的。如何在进行资产管理系统设计时既能充分利用系统间的共性,同时又突出各个系统的个性特征,既便于系统的开发,又对功能的扩充具有良好的适应能力。成为了一个在软件系统设计时需要研究的课题。本文介绍并研究了一种软件产品线的方法,它既可以对已有的资产管理系统进行领域分析,以提取其中可以重复利用的部分,同时对将要开发的业务应用,也保持了良好的扩充性,并在最后对应用中出现的新需求,可以纳入已有领域内,形成了一个不断迭代优化的过程。软件产品线技术是一项快速发展的新技术。它的主要特点是以迭代开发,复用已有资产的思想,实现特定领域内软件产品的高效与高质。对软件产品线技术的领域研究方面,已经逐渐的出现了一些具有先进思想的解决办法。本文针对其中的领域分析和领域设计两个主要模块,提出了基于特征驱动的分析方法和设计方法。在对资产管理系统的具体功能实现中,本文除了具有比较普遍的功能外,还加入了报表模板设计,备用字段等特色功能,以满足用户多方面的要求。另外真对特定业务,如无形资产系统中专利缴费业务,也进行了详细的分析与设计。

【Abstract】 Due to the rapid development of computer science and netword technology, the direction of integrative, intelligent, networktize is the inevitable trend in Information System. Simultaneously, our country’s higher education is also developed. The scale of colleges becomes larger and larger. Especially in recent years, many colleges unite with others. Logistics and financial affairs are deepened constantly. All these bring some new questions to the assets management of colleges.College is an educational organizes, so it has a good adapt to the new new technology, some of them have used software system to manage the assets. But the work of assets manage is complex and changeful. Each of them has their own attribute and each of them may frequently have some change , but they also have some common attributes and functions. Such as input function, revise function and delete function. How to use the common attribute and unique attribute as a one is a project for research. This paper introduces a methord called Software Product Line which can solve the problem efficient.The Software Product Line has a domain Analysis to solve the current systems and abstract the common attributes of them. And it also have a good adaption to the new application system .The Software Product Line is a new technology of developing rapidly. Its main characteristic is the iterative and reuse methord. It can bring a high quality to the software system and encrease the speed of developing. This technology has been deeply developed, some advanced pattern have bean invented. This paper uses these patterns to analysis and designs the software system.This paper not only design some commonly function for the system, but also design some new function for common manage. Such as report design in web, backup fields. Particular functions are not omitted at the same time, especially the charge of patent.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】163

