

HAZOP Automatic Reasoning Based on the LDG Model for HAZOP Analysis

【作者】 杨宇霄

【导师】 赵劲松;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 HAZOP(Hazard and Operability Study)中文的意思是“危险性和可操作性分析”,是在化工过程中常见的一种危险性分析方法。它是一种基于引导词的结构化分析方法,将引导词应用于过程的每个变量上得到变量的偏差。其分析过程是进行逐变量,逐引导词的“头脑风暴式”的会议讨论,分析每个变量可能出现的偏差,以及它可能带来的不利后果,得出一系列偏差/原因/结果的集合,将得到的结果集合汇总,分类和整理即可产生报告。人工HAZOP分析一般由一组对被分析对象有深入了解的专家进行。由于人工安全评价精度不高、速度慢、操作复杂,且评价周期长、代价昂贵,自动化HAZOP分析软件的研究工作一直在进行,实现计算机辅助安全评价己经成为很多企业要解决的问题。运用符号有向图(SDG)建模技术于HAZOP是近年来安全评价方法自动化的一个重要研究方向。但是SDG模型本身具有一定的缺陷,它不能表达所有的HAZOP引导词,且不能表达复杂的映射关系。针对当前SDG模型的这种局限性,本实验室自主开发了有向架(LDG)模型。本文较详细的介绍了LDG建模方法,并在LDG模型的基础之上开发了LDG模型自动化推理系统,实现了基于LDG模型的复杂化工过程的自动化HAZOP分析,并通过实例分析证明了基于LDG模型的推理结果的优越性。

【Abstract】 HAZOP Stands for Hazard and Operability Study which has been. widely used to identify, evaluate and mitigate potential hazards in the chemical processes. It is generally done by a team of experts from different areas such as process design, operation and maintenance. It takes the team about one to eight weeks to complete the analysis of a typical chemical process. The analysis team meeting is a "brain storming" process which is quite effort consuming and time consuming. Therefore, it is also an expensive process. In addition, since it is done by the human team, the quality of the analysis results totally depends on the human team’s knowledge and experience. Therefore, the consistency and completeness of the analysis results can not be guaranteed.To overcome the above problems, various HAZOP expert systems have been proposed to automate HAZOP analysis. Among the automation methodologies, signed digraph model-based reasoning is the most viable. However, the SDG model itself has unnoticed drawbacks. It can’t represent all the HAZOP guidewords and express complex mapping relations. To overcome the knowledge representation limitations of the traditional signed digraph model, layered digraph (LDG) model has been developed in our laboratory. An automated reasoning system based on the LDG models is developed in this thesis. The related automation algorithm is given together with the framework of the database for LDG model knowledge storage. Graphical user interfaces for running the system are designed by using Java language. An industrial case study is discussed to demonstrate the advantages of the LDG model based reasoning.

  • 【分类号】TP181
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】157

