

On the BPR of Lucky Film Corporation Based on Value Chain Analysis

【作者】 余光

【导师】 李小燕;

【作者基本信息】 北京化工大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化和信息化使制造业的竞争环境、发展模式及运行效率等发生了深刻的变化。这些变化使得企业的传统经营管理模式受到了严峻的挑战,客观上要求企业根据需要能够及时、快速地做出响应,优化流程,提高效率,从而达到改善企业绩效,全面提升核心竞争力的目的。而以提倡创新、面向顾客、变革业务流程为核心思想的业务流程再造(BPR)一直是解决企业面临此问题的主要途径,但其实施的成功率并不高。失败的最主要因素是未将业务流程再造作为一个价值驱动的系统性工程:流程再造与顾客价值脱节、缺乏有效的实施方法及评价体系。针对企业这一亟待解决的问题,本文从价值链的基本原理分析入手,以“成本节约等于价值增加"作为计量价值增值的手段,力图构建基于价值链分析的业务流程再造模式。本文的结论和贡献主要体现在以下三个方面:第一,本文提出了基于价值链的流程再造的基本模式,并结合乐凯集团的实际应用案例,利用子系统、父系统同时进行流程再造的功效评价的实证分析方法,对再造效果进行考量,发现:成本、质量控制指标和研发投资规模、效果指标,与“发展能力因子"有较强的相关性;生产能力、销售规模及获利能力指标与“经营能力因子”有较强的相关性。实证分析结果表明:流程再造对于企业发展能力和经营能力的提高作用显著。第二,本文按照“基本价值活动“和“辅助价值活动”两条路线对乐凯黑白感光材料厂价值链基本流程中的销售模块、采购模块、生产模块以及价值链辅助流程中的研发投资模块进行了业务流程图的新设计。该设计突出了新的市场变化以及顾客价值驱动对于整体业务流程再造的引导作用,有助于促进企业整体绩效的提高。第三,本文基于乐凯黑白感光材料厂流程再造的实践经验,得到如下启示:(1)实现顾客价值,系统性提升企业的整体增值能力,是流程再造的原动力;(2)运用流程管理识别企业竞争优势的决定因素,确定流程再造的重点环节是流程再造模式设计的前提;(3)企业高层重视,全员参与是流程再造成功的关键;(3)推行项目化管理,完善激励机制,是保证内部价值链有效运行的驱动力;(4)重视流程再造的基础工作,做好配套制度建设,是流程再造成功的保障。

【Abstract】 Economic globalization and informatization have deep influence on the change of competitive environment, development model and operation efficiency. All these changes have seriously challenged traditional model of operation and therefore objectively require that enterprises can react timely and quickly, optimize process and improve efficiency, improving performance of enterprises and comprehensively strengthening core competitiveness. BPR, which advocates innovation, customer orientation, and the revolution of operation process, is always the main means to solve the existing problems enterprises facing. However, it does not act well. Failure to treat Business Process Reengineering as a systematic project driven by value, that is: the process reengineering’s disjunction to customers’ value and lack of effective implementation measures and evaluation system. Amid the issues needed to be solved immediately, this paper starts from the basic ideas of value chain, and tries to found BPR model which is based on value chain analysis treating " the save of cost equals to the increase of value" as a method of measuring the increase of value. The main conclusions and contributions of this paper are as follows:Firstly, this paper puts forward basic model of BPR which is based on value chain, and combines the evaluation of performance of BPR with the practical case of Lucky Film Corporation by use of empirical research, concluding that: the index concerning the control of cost and quality and the index of research and investment are strongly related to development ability factor while production ability, scales of sales and profit index has a strong relationship with operation ability factor. The empirical analysis indicates that BPR has obvious effect on the improvement of enterprise’s development ability and operation ability.Secondly, this paper designs new operation process framework to Lucky Film Corporation concerning sales model, purchasing model, production model and R&D model existing in value chain basic process from two prospects: basic value activities and accessorial value activities. This design gives prominence to new market change and customer value drive’s guide effort to the while business process reengineering, which is helpful for promoting enterprises’ whole performance.Thirdly, this paper, based on the practical experience of process reengineering in Lucky Black-and-white Photosensitive Materials Factory, concludes that: (1) the realization of customer’s value, and the systematic improvement of enterprises’ overall increment ability are the original driving force of BPR; (2) Identifications to determinants of enterprises’ competitiveness advantage by use of process management, and confirmation of key process in BPR are precondition of BPR design; (3) High level’s attention of enterprises and the whole anticipation are key factors of the success of BPR; (4) Implementation of project management and improvement of stimulus mechanism are the driving force guarantying the effective operation of internal value chain; (5) Emphasis on basic work of BPR and establishment of supporting system are the guarantee of BPR’s success.

【关键词】 价值链流程再造模式因子分析
【Key words】 value chainBPRmodelfactor analysis
  • 【分类号】F270.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】463

