

On Quantity Study of Educational Development of General Secondary School in New China (1949-1999)

【作者】 陈绵杰

【导师】 王伦信;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国成立,标志着中国的普通中学教育的发展进入到一个崭新的历史发展时期。建国后,党中央在积极恢复经济建设的同时,对新中国的教育也开始进行恢复性的建设,并取得了很大的成就,普通中学的各项指标在数量上都得到了发展。“教育大跃进”和“文化大革命”期间,尽管普通中学教育的发展在数量上呈现繁荣的景象,但在质量上却遭受到了严重的破坏。改革开放以后,国家对教育战线进行了调整。在进行压缩普通中学数量,提高中学教育质量的同时,关注职业技术教育的发展,使得我国的中等教育朝着一个良好的方向发展。本论文旨在从量化的角度,考察1949年至1999年普通中学教育发展的概况。笔者希望通过对中学教育发展的各项指标的数据描述,从整体规模、区域差异、城乡差异、办学主体、性别构成以及教师学历水平等纬度,辅以质性分析,展现建国五十年中学教育的发展轨迹。论文共分六章。第一章,主要考察了1949-1999年普通中学学校数、学生数、教师数等相关指标的数量变化,进而对中学教育发展的整体规模进行描述性的分析。第二章,通过考察各省、市、自治区的普通中学学校数和平均每万人口在校学生数,对建国五十年中学教育发展所表现出来的东、中、西部区域差异进行分析研究。第三章,考察了普通中学在发展过程中所表现出来的城乡差异,并分析了不同历史时期中学教育发展所表现出来的城镇或乡村倾向的原因。第四章,主要从办学主体维度来考察建国五十年中学教育的发展情况。同时,也分析了各个历史时期办学体制变化的原因。第五章,主要从女学生数和女教师数两个方面,对建国后女子教育事业发展概况作了量化考察。最后一章,从教师学历水平的纬度考察了建国五十年来教师质量的变化情况,间接反映了中学教育的发展脉络。

【Abstract】 On October 1, 1949, the People’s Republic of China was founded, which symbolizes the development of ordinary secondary school education of China entering a brand-new historical developing era. After the foundation of the state, the Central Party Committee started the construction for recovery in education while resuming economic construction. Meanwhile, the country made very big achievements which every index of the general high school had been developed on the quantity level. During the periods of "great leap forward of education" and "the Cultural Revolution", the prosperous scene appeared in the development of ordinary secondary school education on the quantity level, but its quality was destroyed. After reform and opening-up, the country adjusted the policy in educational field. The educational department began to reduce the quantity and stress the quality of education including paying close attention to the development of vocational and technical education, which made the secondary education of our country develop in a right direction.This thesis aims at investigating the overview of educational development of general secondary school from 1949 to 1999 in the quantized perspective. I hope that I can describe the data of every index of educational development of middle school ranging from whole scale, to regional difference, to the difference in urban and rural areas, to the subject of running a school, to sex composition and teacher’s academic level, etc. Meanwhile, quality analyze is added. So that I can present the development orbit of secondary school education of 50 years .The thesis is divided into six chapters.Chapter one, I mainly investigate the changes of the number of general secondary schools, the number of students, teachers and other relevant indicators from 1949 to 1999, so that I can describe the overall scale of the analysis.Chapter two, I focus on researching the regional differences of eastern, middle and western areas manifested in educational development of middle school from 1949 to 1999 by investigating the number of general secondary schools and every ten thousand people’s numbers of students at school in each province, municipality and autonomous region.Chapter three, I investigate the differences between urban and rural areas in development of general secondary school and analyze the reason why emphasized the development of general secondary school in cities and towns or villages in different historical periods.Chapter four, I mainly study the development of genera] secondary school education in 50 years after founding the state from the subject of running a school. Meanwhile, I analyze the reason why the system of running a school changes in each historical period.Chapter five, I have quantized investigating to woman’s education development after the foundation of the state from aspects of the numbers of the schoolgirls and schoolmarms.The last chapter, I investigate the change of teacher’s quality over the past 50 years in the latitude of teacher’s academic level, which indirectly reflects the track of the development of secondary school education.

  • 【分类号】G639.2
  • 【下载频次】193

