

Study on the Capacity of the Social Welfare of Urban Household Registration

【作者】 王琼

【导师】 丁金宏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国的户籍制度是计划经济时期重工业优先发展战略下的产物。为支持工业化发展、确保短缺经济条件下人民基本生活的需要,户口曾经与粮油供应等社会福利制度紧密联系。改革开放以后随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,城乡分割的二元户籍制度与现实社会愈来愈不适应,迫切需要改革。不少学者都认为改革的关键就在于户口与社会福利的脱钩。那么,在进行了小城镇户籍管理制度改革等一系列户籍改革措施之后,当前与城市户口联系的社会福利究竟有多少?与计划经济时期相比,其联系程度与社会福利的内容又有何变化?这些变化又将给今后的户籍改革方向带来怎样的启示?本文通过研究认为,当前与城市户口联系的社会福利主要体现在教育、就业和社会保险等方面。在教育方面,没有城市户口的流动人口子女需要支付借读费才能获取城市公共教育资源的规定至今仍未完全取消;同时,城市户口是获取城市中高考资格的重要依据,拥有城市户口的学生因城市较高的高考录取率而拥有更多的接受高等教育的机会。在就业方面,大部分城市的机关和事业单位招聘仍然要求应聘者具有当地城市户口,体现出地方政府对城市居民的就业保护,城市居民还能获得职业培训等非户籍从业人员无法获得的就业服务。在社会保障方面,城市居民的参保权利能够得到较好的保障,参保待遇也好于农村人口与非当地户籍人口。此外,最低生活保障制度与廉租住房制度实行的是属地化管理,城市户口成为享受最低生活保障和廉租住房政策的首要条件。与计划经济时期相比,当前城市户口与社会福利的联系程度从国家层面看有所放松,从地方层面看不同城市户口与社会福利的联系程度变化不一:而社会福利的内容由原先的直接经济利益转变为间接经济利益与一部分公民权益。本文最后提出了对户籍制度改革方向的两点思考:户籍制度改革应根据城镇规模的不同,由小到大逐步推进;相关制度的配套改革是户籍制度改革成败的关键。

【Abstract】 Household registration system (HRS) in China is the result of heavy industry stratagem during the planned economy period. In order to support the industrialization and insure the basic need of peoples’ living, household registration was related with social welfare system, such as the provisionment. After opening reform, with the development of reform of market-oriented economic structure, the traditional HRS cannot meet the needs of modern society and calls for immediate reform. Then, after a series of HRS reform, how much social welfare is still related with urban household registration? Compared with the planned period, is there any change between the relationship of household registration and social welfare? If so, what suggestion will these changes give?The following conclusions could be made through this research: today, the social welfare related with household registration is education, employment, social insurance and so on. Those children without household registration should pay for the public education additionally. Household registration is also the way to get the qualification of eleven-plus. Nowadays, some employers of some special occupation request the employee with household registration, showing the protection of local government to the local people. The people with household registration could get some career service. In the social insurance, the townsman could have better treatment than those without household registration. Moreover, townsman could get social salvation when they are in hot water.Compared with the planned economy period, the relationship between urban household registration and social welfare has been changed. In the level of our country, the relationship becomes loose. In the level of cities and countries, the change of relationship becomes changeable. The content of social welfare changes from the direct economic benefit to indirect benefit and some citizen rights and interests.In the end, the author discusses the goal of HRS reform. The reform should be carried out from country to city; the reform of systems in combination with HRS is the key of HRS reform.

【关键词】 城市户口社会福利
【Key words】 Urban Household RegistrationSocial Welfare
  • 【分类号】D631.42
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】401

