

From Service Image to Enterprise Image

【作者】 孙春

【导师】 张云;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在现代市场经济中,企业形象的重要性日益突出。随着科技的发展,企业之间的竞争在产品质量、性能、服务等方面已难分伯仲。消费者也很难从日趋同一的产品信息中感受到企业的独特魅力,而信息革命带来的“信息爆炸”往往导致公众的“信息焦虑”,即面对铺天盖地的信息无所适从。在如此繁杂的环境下,面对激烈的竞争,如何整合企业形象,塑造优良、鲜明的企业个性,并使之有效地展现在公众面前,从而扩大企业的知名度和影响力,便成为企业决胜于市场的关键。良好的企业形象日益成为企业重要的无形财富和发展条件,制定企业形象战略已成为企业经营管理的重要内容。本文首先从1994年上海“窗口形象”建设入手,1994年的“窗口”形象建设中开展的“九十年代上海企业形象”的讨论,是开始于1994年1月13日,美国卓越国际公司副总裁鲍强给上海市领导的一封信,这封信摘发在《解放日报》上后,引发了一场大的讨论。本文对这次活动进行分析研究,获得一定的启示。并从这次实践中总结宝贵的理论成果,从企业形象的含义、特质和功能开始,分析企业形象与企业生存状态的关系;从企业独特个性的角度去把握企业形象的意义,把企业形象理解为企业独特的创造价值方式的体现和表达。由于企业形象是企业独特生存本性的体现和表达,它一旦形成就具有一定的稳定性,企业形象就预示了企业的潜能和发展方向,符合企业形象的也就符合企业的生存目的。企业形象具有一定的功能,它向企业员工和社会公众解说企业是谁,企业是怎样的,它协调企业的整体活动,对符合企业形象的活动给予支持和强化,对不符合企业形象的活动给予抑制和警示。企业形象不是企业的一部分人和一部分活动刻意制造出来的,它是企业整体活动的结果和体现,技术水平、企业知识、产品质量、营销策略是企业形象的基础条件,探讨企业形象与企业技术、与企业能力的关系,是本论文研究问题的一个基础。企业形象并不是一成不变,它随着企业状况的变化而变化,更新企业形象的活动要与企业状况保持同步,建设企业形象不能脱离企业实际,进而提出企业形象建设的目的和原则。然后再从理论到实践,结合时代背景,对中国企业形象建设中的问题和原因进行深入地分析。认识到企业在商业信誉、品牌竞争、市场规则等方面存在的问题,并进行了深刻的剖析,对中国企业形象建设进行反思。最后将理论和实践相结合,使其充分地互动,从国家层面认识企业形象建设的意义所在。坚持科学发展观和社会主义核心价值观的指导,提出提升当代中国企业形象的具体对策,以改革创新的精神推进中国企业形象建设的研究。

【Abstract】 In the modern market economy, the importance of enterprise image is increasingly outstanding. With the development of science and technology, the products are almost same in the aspects of quality, performance and service during the enterprise competition. Costumers are also difficult to feel the unique charm of the product information which has being same, but information explosion brought by information revolution will lead to public information anxiety which means the public will be in a loss when they face the extensively spread information. In such a complex environment, facing the fierce market competition, it is critical for the enterprise to win in the market to integrate enterprise image and mold distinct personality showing in the public effectively which will enlarge the popularity and influence power of the enterprise .It has been the important part of the business management to make the strategy of enterprise image.The first part of the paper is about Service Image in Shanghai in1994. There is a great discussion during this activity, which caused by a letter for the leaders in Shanghai written by Bao Qiang who was the vice president in American Excellence International Company. Some enlightenment is got from the analysis of the activity. And the paper summarizes the precious achievements from the activity. From the meaning, trait and function of enterprise image, the paper analyzes the relationship of enterprise image and enterprise status and formats unique enterprise personality. We can grasp the concept of enterprise image is the embodiment and expression of unique ways to create values. So enterprise image will be stable once formed which can foreshow the potential and development. Enterprise image has certain function explains who the enterprise is to the enterprise staff and the public. It will coordinate the whole activity of the enterprise which will give the support and strengthening accorded with enterprise image and the inhibition and warning for the activities not accorded with enterprise image. Enterprise image is not created sedulously by a part of people or activities in the enterprise but the result and embodiment of the whole activity. Technology level, enterprise knowledge, product quality and marketing strategy are the basic condition of enterprise image. Enterprise image changes with the development of the enterprise, so enterprise image construction cannot be divorced from enterprise reality. And then the paper analyzes the purpose and principle of enterprise image construction.And then from the theory to the practice, the paper analyzes the problems and the reasons in the enterprise image construction. There are some problems in the commercial credit, brand competition and market rule. The paper also analyzes the reasons deeply to give a reflection on enterprise image construction in China.At last, the paper combines the theory and the practice and makes them interact well. It discusses the significance of enterprise image from the state level. Adhere to the scientific development concept and under the guidance of the core values of socialism, it puts forward the specific measures to enhance the enterprise image in China and to promote China’s enterprise image-building research by the spirit of reform and innovation.

  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【下载频次】474

