

A Study on the Development of Foreign Low Cost Carriers

【作者】 李媚

【导师】 楼嘉军;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的不断提高和闲暇时间的增多,全球旅游业呈现蓬勃发展的态势,旅游的六元素“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”也发生了巨大的变化。作为旅游重要元素之一的“行”,逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。越来越多的人开始选择航空旅行作为出行方式,从而大大拓展了人们的出行距离,缩短了用于旅游交通上的时间。同时,人们旅行方式的改变也为商业航空运输业带来了翻天覆地的变化。上世纪70年代,美国西南航空公司在德克萨斯州的首航,打破了长期以来由大型网络型航空公司一统天下的局面。在随后的几十年里,以美国为首的诸多国家和地区逐步放松航空管制,加快航空业市场化程度,出现了一大批低成本航空公司,参与到愈来愈激烈的市场竞争中去。21世纪初,随着我国航空市场的不断扩大和航空管制的逐步放松,低成本航空公司以雷霆万钧之势登陆中国航空市场,并一展身手,其中以春秋航空、深航航空、祥鹏航空等为代表的航空公司已经相继步入低成本航空的发展道路。尽管低成本航空公司在我国的发展姗姗来迟,但是在干呼万唤中慢慢扬起的低成本航空的旗帜,终于让我们看到了低成本航空公司在我国发展的希望。在此背景下,本文选择国外低成本航空公司为研究对象,主要探讨了以下几方面的问题:第一,从宏观层面阐述了国外航空公司的发展现状,对国外低成本航空公司发展历程进行梳理,对其经营特点进行归纳总结。第二,从航空业角度探讨了低成本航空公司的发展对国外商业航空运输市场的影响,具体表现在对客源市场、市场格局以及航空业经营战略的影响。第三,从微观层面考察低成本航空公司,通过剖析美国西南航空公司,系统分析低成本航空公司经营价值链的构筑,并试图通过对其公司规模、财务状况、运载能力及经营效率上取得的突破和成就,验证其经营战略的可行性与正确性。第四,借鉴国际上低成本航空公司的发展经验,针对我国航空业的发展现状,思考我国低成本航空公司的发展策略。本研究分为五个章节:第一章,绪论。第二章,国外低成本航空公司发展概况及基本特点。第三章,国外低成本航空公司对航空运输市场的影响。第四章,国外低成本航空的经营战略及其绩效分析。第五章,启示及展望。

【Abstract】 With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards and the increase of their leisure time, the global tourism industry has been growing vigorously, and the six basic tourism elements of "food, accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment" have also undergone great changes. As an important element in tourism, transportation has gradually become the focus of people’s attention. More and more people began to choose air travel as their travel mode, thus greatly expanding their travel distance and shortening the time for transportation. At the same time, the change of people’s travel mode also brings enormous changes for commercial air transport industry.In the 1970s, Southwest Airlines’ first flight in Texas broke the balance of American air transport market which had been controlled by large network airlines for a long time. During the ensuing decades, many countries and regions led by the US gradually relaxed their governmental control over air traffic, which speed up the formation of market-oriented aviation industry. A large number of low-cost carriers were founded and participated into the more and more fierce competition in the market. At the beginning of 21st century, as the continuous expansion of China’s aviation market and the gradual relaxation of air traffic control, low-cost carriers came up in China’s aviation market and began to develop, such as Spring Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines and Lucky Air, which have already entered the development path of low-cost carriers. Though low-cost carriers showed up quite late in China, the appearance of low-cost carriers finally let us see the hope of the development of low-cost carriers in our country. Under such background, this paper chose foreign low-cost carriers as the object of study, and mainly inquired into such problems as below:First, this paper describes the development status of foreign airlines from the macro perspective, combs the development history of foreign low-cost carriers and summarizes their operational features.Second, the paper discusses the influence of the development of low-cost carriers on foreign commercial aviation industry from the perspective of airline industry, specifically their influence on guest markets, market structure and business strategies of airlines.Third, the paper reviews low-cost carriers from the micro-level. Through the anatomy of Southwest Airline, the paper systematically analyzes the formation of value chain in low-cost airlines, and tries to verify the feasibility and correctness of its business strategy through analyzing its breakthrough and achievement in its expansion of company size, financial performance, carrying capacity and operating efficiency.Fourth, drawing on international experiences in the development of low-cost carriers, this paper considers the development strategy of low-cost airlines in China based on our own status quo of aviation industry.This study includes five sections as following: Chapter I: Introduction. Chapter II: The development and basic characteristics of foreign low-cost carriers. Chapter III: The influence of foreign low-cost carriers on air transport market. Chapter IV: The analysis on business strategy and performance of foreign low-cost carriers. Chapter V: Enlightenment and prospect.

  • 【分类号】F561
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1647

