

The Study of Digital Game-Based Learning

【作者】 段明希

【导师】 赵中建;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代信息和多媒体技术的日新月异,数字游戏(Digital Game)得到了前所未有的发展和普及。无论从社会、经济和文化的角度来看,数字游戏在现代人的生活中都扮演着越来越重要的角色,正在逐渐成为现代社会生活重要的组成部分。数字游戏作为一种新型娱乐形式正在逐渐超越各类传统娱乐,成为传媒界关注的新宠儿。与在经济领域的快速发展相对应的,数字游戏正对全球的文化,尤其是青年人的文化产生着巨大的影响。面对数字游戏的快速发展,和她给青少年带来的一系列负面的影响,一些数字游戏的支持者试图从全新的角度看待数字游戏,他们认为游戏产业的蓬勃发展证明了游戏本身具有的极大魅力,正是这种魅力使游戏对青少年产生巨大的吸引力。因此从上个世纪80年代初,对游戏持有乐观态度的教师和学者逐渐开始关注并最终惊异于游戏的这种力量,他们意识到与其跟数字游戏普及化的浪潮相抗衡,还不如仔细思考如果能够将数字游戏这种新的具有强大力量的媒体应用于学习过程来进行数字化游戏学习(DigitalGame-Based Learning),目的是研究如何能使学习也变得跟游戏一样有趣、有吸引力并且有效。本文就是在这样的背景下,对国外数字化游戏学习的研究现状,存在的问题和未来的发展进行介绍、归纳和分析,并试图为我国的数字化游戏学习的研究和实践提供有益的借鉴。全文共分为五个部分:第一部分是绪论,主要介绍研究的缘起,国内外研究现状,研究方法和研究目的。第二部分主要介绍相关概念,数字游戏的国际影响力,数字游戏的吸引力以及关于数字游戏的负面影响的研究与思考。第三部分主要从三个方面研究数字化游戏学习的理论基础,包括相关的游戏理论、学习理论,并探讨数字游戏能促进哪些学习。第四部分介绍数字化游戏学习在实践中的应用方式,重点介绍如何利用商业游戏进行数字化学习,以及数字化游戏学习的未来发展。第五部分主要是结合我国的实际情况,通过对数字化游戏学习理论和实践的探讨,得出对我国数字化游戏学习发展的启示。

【Abstract】 As the rapid development of modern information and multi-media technology, digital game has got much more development and popularization than before. Considering social, economical and cultural field, digital game is playing more and more important role in the life of modern people, and becoming important part of modern society. As a new type entertainment form, digital game has exceeded any traditional entertainment forms. Besides, digital game brings great influence to global culture, especially the culture of youth as well. Facing the rapid development of digital game and the negative effect to young people, some proponents of digital game try to look on it in a bran-new point of view that the vigorous development of digital game market proves the great charm of games, which brings huge attraction to young people. Therefore, at the beginning of 1980s, the proponents began to pay attention to digital game and were surprised to the great power of games. They realized that it was much better to use the power of game to promote learning than to reject the popularity of digital games. Digital Game-Based Learning can change the way of learning and makes learning interesting, attractive and effective.According to this context, this article introduces, concludes and analyzes the actuality of the research, subsistent problem and the future development of digital game based learning. This article also tries to provide meaningful revelation to the research and practice of Digital Game-Based Learning in China. There are five parts of this article:The first part gives the reason of the study, the actuality of the research in and abroad, and the purpose and method of this study.The second part introduces some concepts, the international force of digital game, the attraction of digital game, and the negative effect to young people and the society.The third part analyzes the theory foundation of Digital Game-Based Learning, including game theory, learning theory and which kinds of learning digital games can support.The forth part introduces the practical implication methods of Digital Game-Based Learning, especially how to use commercial games in class, and the future development of it as well.The last part tries to give some inspire to our country on how to promote the research in theory and practice.

【关键词】 数字化游戏学习数字游戏
【Key words】 Digital Game-based LearningDigital Game
  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】423

