

Analasis on the Impact Factors of Metropolitan Museum Tourism in Shanghai

【作者】 刘蕾

【导师】 王晓云;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市旅游的日渐兴起,博物馆的旅游功能日益突出,逐渐成为展示城市独特历史文化,提升城市文化旅游吸引力的重要载体。经过数年发展,上海博物馆旅游在展馆数量规模、展品质量以及各项配套设施的完善方面等已经取得了很大进步,但与其他国际大都市博物馆旅游相比,在整体特色、产品开发以及营销推介等方面还有很大差距。因此,对上海博物馆旅游影响因素进行分析,顺应世界都市博物馆旅游的发展趋势,也满足上海都市旅游发展和博物馆发展的需要,对提升都市旅游品位有着极大的必要性。本文运用文献分析法、市场调查法、系统分析法等方法,通过分析上海地区整体都市博物馆旅游现状,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面,全面、系统地研究影响上海博物馆旅游的环境支持因素、博物馆旅游吸引力要素以及客源市场因素。研究表明,上海城市现代化国际化发展水平、发达的经济文化产业环境以及政府在政策和资金方面的有力保障,给都市博物馆旅游创造了有利的宏观发展环境;都市博物馆高品质的馆藏和展览、便捷的区位交通条件、人性化的服务设施以及现代化的管理理念,都对都市博物馆旅游的发展起到了积极的推动作用;但博物馆的整体特色不突出、部分博物馆区位集聚性较差、旅游产品开发和客源市场的营销推介工作尚不够深入,游客的博物馆意识有待提高。这些都是目前上海都市博物馆旅游深化发展的阻碍因素。文章认为应该从提升上海都市博物馆旅游整体形象、加强博物馆与旅游行业的沟通与合作、提高客源市场的博物馆意识等多方面提升都市博物馆旅游的吸引力。本文共分五个部分:第一章绪论,为全文作理论和研究思路上铺垫;第二章上海都市博物馆旅游客源市场分析;第三章上海都市博物馆旅游吸引因素分析;第四章上海都市博物馆旅游环境因素分析;第五章对策与建议。

【Abstract】 With the gradual rise of urban tourism, museums have become prominent feature of tourism increasingly, and gradually become a display of unique historical and cultural cities. They are important carriers who enhance the attractiveness of urban cultural tourism.After several years of development, Shanghai museum tourism has been made great progress in the number and size of exhibitions, the quality of exhibits and the supporting facilities. However, there is a big gap between Shanghai museum tourism and other international metropolitan museum tourisms in the overall characteristics, products and marketing promotion. Therefore, the analysis of impact factors of Shanghai Museum tourism will not only conform to the world trend of tourism development, but also meet the development of Shanghai municipal tourism and that of museums.In this paper, using literature analysis, marketing research, systematical analysis methods, we analyse the whole status of Shanghai metropolitan museum tourism, then give a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth explanation from a regional perspective on the environmental impact factors, tourist market factors and museum tourist attraction elements of museum tourism.Research shows that highly modernized international level, developed economic and cultural industry environments and the powerful security in government policy and finance in Shanghai, have created a favorable macro environment for the development of museum tourism. High-quality collections and exhibitions, the convenient location and traffic conditions, personalised service facilities and modern management concepts of metropolitan musuems played a positive role in the development of museums. But some problems are the the main obstacles need to be addressed in Shanghai, such as, the overall characteristics of the museums is not prominent, some museums have poor area concentration, tourismproducts exlpoition can not display the characteristics of the museums, the awarenesses of museum visitors need to be raised, and so on. The article maintains that it should build the overall image of metropolitan museum tourism in Shanghai, strengthen communications and cooperations with the tourism industry, and improve the visitors’ awareness to enhance the attractiveness of metropolitan museum tourism.This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter is introduction, providing the the theoretical and research ideas for full text; the second part analyses the market of metropolitan museum tourism; Chapter III give analysis on attractive factors of Shanghai museum tourism; Chapter IV of this text is the explanation of Shanghai metropolitan museum tourism environment factors; Chapter V is countermeasures and suggestions.

【关键词】 都市博物馆旅游影响因素上海
【Key words】 MetropolitanMuseum tourismImpact factorsShanghai
  • 【分类号】F592.7;G269.2
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1472

