

Application of the Rorschach Test in the Psychological Consultation in Colleges

【作者】 原蓉霞

【导师】 屠荣生;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在国外,罗夏测验被称为心理诊断的王牌测验,只有懂得罗夏测验和精神分析才能获得心理分析师的资格证书,许多心理学教授毕生研究此测验,同时,也有许多人对它不屑一顾,罗夏测验成了历史上最有争议的心理测验。然而,在临床诊断和治疗的实践中,罗夏测验具有高度的实效性,其科学地位已在世界上完全得到确立。在我国,仅在一些相关心理学教材中看到罗夏测验的简单介绍。许多学心理学的人都只是听过这个测验的名字,具体的内容和操作却鲜有问津。既然罗夏测验是科学心理测验的瑰宝,同时,技术方法具有普遍适应性,他山之石可以攻玉。罗夏测验值得花费时间研究,值得大胆尝试实践。大学生自知力高,独立性强,在决定寻求心理援助前往往已经过深入思考,尝试过许多方法,实在找不到症结所在才求助于心理咨询老师。罗夏测验最大的优点就是快速准确地找到心理问题的潜在原因。在大学生心理咨询中配合使用罗夏测验是非常有益的补充,常常突破咨询的难点和关键点。本文采用文献综述法和个案研究法,尝试在大学生心理咨询中使用罗夏测验。第一部分介绍研究背景,即为什么要在大学生心理咨询中尝试使用罗夏测验;第二部分是有关罗夏测验的文献综述,介绍了罗夏测验的发展与现状,理论与实质等,并与其他种类心理测验进行比较,最后概述了罗夏测验的施测和解释。第三部分介绍了五例真实、典型的大学生心理咨询案例,详细展现了罗夏测验在心理咨询中的使用,记分,解释,以及如何在咨询中起到迅速而关键性的作用。第一例是一个阳光大学生的精神世界,第二例是一个女研究生的自我认识,第三例是一个男研究生的情绪困扰,第四例是一例女大学生的爱情问题,第五例是一个女大学生的内心困扰。研究表明,罗夏测验可以成为大学生心理咨询过程中一种特殊的高效心理咨询形式,可以揭示心理问题产生的深层人格因素,能够迅速准确地找出心理问题产生的潜在症结,可以作为咨询的媒介有效推进咨询的进展,对大学生心理咨询的三层目标都有良好作用。第四部分提出罗夏测验在我国的应用前景和研究方向。

【Abstract】 The Rorschach Ink-Blot Test(RIT) is by far the most popular personality projection test. On the other hand, it is also the most arguable test in the history of psychology test. Now, it has been totally accepted as a scientific personality test in the psychology circle. In China, however, the RIT has just been introduced, and its application is most rarely seen. As a gem of psychology tests, the RIT deserved to be exploratorilly applied in China.The college students know themselves well and have high self-esteem, they have tried hard about their mental problems before relying on the councilor. The RIT will be a useful addition, since its best utility is to find out the beneath reasons of mental problems.The purpose of this study is to try to apply the RIT to the psychological consultation in colleges. The first part of this thesis explains the background of the research. The second part summarizes the history and theory of the RIT, as well as its usage. And there are five typical cases brought about in detail in the third part.The results show: 1. the use of the RIT could be a single unusual council. 2. The RIT could expose the beneath personality factors which end up in the problems. 3. The RIT could quickly find out the true reasons of the mental problem. 4.The RIT will do good to the three goals of college consultation in the long run.The last part is about the application and research area of the RIT in China.This is the first thesis on the application of the RIT in college consultation, and one of the rare applications of the RIT in China. Hope to see more.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】922

