

Context & the Exploration of Composition Instruction in Rural Junior School

【作者】 杨靖

【导师】 倪文锦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 写作教学是整个语文教学过程中的一个极其重要的组成部分,如果说“能读会写”是语文课最核心任务的精要概括的话,那作文作为写的一块,恰是语文的“半壁江山”。然而,当前写作教学现状却不乐观:“学生作文烦,教师批改难,提高效率慢”等老大难问题一直困扰着广大教师,农村初中更是如此。作文教学为何成了语文教学中的“老大难”问题?学生为何普遍存在畏惧作文、厌倦作文的心理现象?农村初中学生作文水平为何一直彷徨不前?如何着手予以解决呢?追溯作文教学的漫漫长河,虽有许多从事语文教学的教师、专家作了长期不懈的努力,进行了诸多成功的尝试,总结了一些成功的经验和方法,但总体来说,这些经验和方法仍是零碎而不成体系的,初中作文教学中仍然存在着少慢差费现象,尤其是农村初中作文教学一直未走出“高耗低效”的怪圈。本课题在梳理文献的基础上,对农村初中的作文教学现状进行分析,结合农村的实际情况,借鉴专家学者及一线教师的诸多建议方法,汲取国内外作文教学改革的启示,试图为农村教师构建符合农村实际情况的、可具体操作的作文教学指导,使农村使学生能够渐次提高写作水平。第一章概述农村初中作文教学的现状,从教与学两个角度进行了较为详细的介绍。第二章对第一章所叙述的现状进行分析,从学生、教师、教材三个纬度展开,剖析农村初中作文教学陷入困境的原因。第三章立足于前面的两章,试图从微观上探讨一条可操作、能够切实提高农村初中学生作文水平,具有农村特色的作文教学指导方法。

【Abstract】 Composition instruction is an extremely important component of the Chinese instruction process, "read and write" is summed up the core task of Chinese subject , write is half of the Chinese instruction. However,the current status is not optimistic ---- students hate writing , teachersdislike the work of correction, and the instruction efficiency is low. It troubles many teachers, especially the rural Junior teachers. Why does composition instruction become a troublesome problem ? Why do the rural Junior school students have psychological phenomenon of fear for writing? why is the instruction efficiency low in rural junior school ? Review the history of composition instruction, although many Chinese teachers and the experts made unremitting effort, they got some experience and successful methods, those experience and methods is fragmentary, the situation is still remained.This issue based on the composition instruction of the rural Junior school and the actual situation in rural areas, learned from experts, scholars and teachers in the forefront , reformed the enlightenment from home and abroad, is for the teachers worked in rural Junior schools to know how to instruct the students in such areas .Chapter 1 overviewed the status of the composition instruction in rural Junior schools. On the above-mentioned foundation, Chapter 2 explained the reason why it is occurred. Chapter 3 discussed how to explore a micro-operational and feasible solution to improve the students’ writing.

  • 【分类号】G633.34
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】693

