

An Investigation and Analysis of TBLT Implemented in Middle School English Teaching

【作者】 周亚君

【导师】 沈金荣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自新课标倡导任务型教学以来,任务型教学成为我国学界的研究热点。任务型教学在我国经历了理论研究——实践研究——反思性研究的过程。那么在这一过程之中,任务型教学为我国的外语教学到底带来了什么?教师对任务型教学的认识和态度到底如何?任务型教学在我国的可行性和适应性到底如何?任务型教学是不是真的改变了我国外语教学的现状?这些问题是值得人们思考的。因此,对任务型教学的实施现状进行调查就有着它的现实性和必要性。基于以上问题,本研究首先通过文献综述法对国内外有关任务型教学的文献进行梳理,尤其是对国内关于任务型教学的研究进行整理归纳,以了解任务型教学在我国的研究现状和实践探索。然后设计问卷对黑龙江大庆市16所中学(10所初中的初一年级和初二年级与8所高中的高一年级)任务型教学的实施现状进行了调查,并得出结论和提出建议。全文共分五章。第一章为引论部分,主要介绍了论文的研究背景、研究目的和意义、研究内容和方法、相关概念界定及本论文研究框架等。第二章分别从语言学、教学论和学习论三个方面阐述了任务型教学的理论基础,并介绍了国内外学者对任务型教学的研究和探索。第三章从教师基本情况、教师对任务型教学的认识和态度、任务型教学具体实施过程、任务型教学实施的效果和优点及任务型教学实施中存在的困难和问题等方面对任务型教学的实施进行调查,并以图表的形式呈现了调查的数据和结果。第四章结合上一章的调查数据和结果,对教师的认识和态度、任务型教学的具体实施过程、效果及优点和实施中的困难等形成原因及结果进行可能性分析,以探索任务型教学实施的本土化模式。第五章为结论和建议,本章在前两章的调查结果和成因基础上得出结论,并给教师、学校和相关教育部门提出几点初步建议。

【Abstract】 Since TBLT was proposed in the newly-published National English Curriculum Standards, it has become one of the research focuses. In China TBLT has gone through three phrases of development: theoretical study, practical research and reflectional reviews. During the period, such questions are often posed: What has TBLT brought about for the foreign language teaching in China? How much do English teachers know about TBLT? What is the teachers’ attitude towards TBLT? Is TBLT feasible in China? Is it true that TBLT has changed the conditions of foreign language teaching in China? These questions are worth investigating in the implementation of TBLT all over the country.In order to carry out the research, the thesis first presents a literature review on TBLT at home and abroad. And then questionnaires are designed and sent to 16 middle schools including 10 senior middle schools and 8 junior middle schools. Lastly, the data from the investigation are analyzed .The conclusions and suggestions are put forward.The whole thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter One is an introduction to the research background, and it also deals with the significance of the study, research methods and some relevant concepts used in the thesis. Chapter Two concerns the theoretical study, which is discussed from linguistics, teaching and learning theory. It summarizes the research on TBLT at home and abroad. Chapter Three presents the data and results of TBLT investigation by charts. The investigation is mainly focused on the four aspects: teachers’ knowledge and attitudes towards TBLT, TBLT implementation in class, the effects of TBLT and the difficulties in TBLT implementation. Based on the previous chapters, Chapter four analyzes the findings of the research. Chapter Five draws the conclusions and offers some initial suggestions to the teachers, the schools and the relevant education departments.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1866

