

Policy Research of Town Teacher Supporting Rural Education Pertinently

【作者】 余闯

【导师】 应俊峰;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在城乡“二元”结构的深刻影响下,城镇、农村间义务教育的发展仍呈非均衡化的态势。在问题归因上,人们的关注点渐渐由学校硬件不同转向了师资差异。农村教师队伍问题突出,成为制约今后义务教育发展的主要因素。与城镇相比,农村义务教育的师资在数量、质量及结构上均存在不同程度的问题及不足。从整体上讲,农村义务教育是国民教育体系中最为薄弱的环节,亟需外界力量的介入予以推动、改善。在本研究中,城镇教师对口支援农村教育,旨在通过科学配置师资、充分发挥城镇学校在师资上的优势以有针对性地带动农村学校的发展,从而实现县域内义务教育的均衡发展,进而实现更大范围内的教育公平。城镇教师对口支援农村教育政策的相继出台和推行,为上述工作的开展提供了科学依据,但实施现状应引起人们的关注,我们须对出现的一些问题予以思考并提出拟解决建议。笔者以“城镇教师对口支援农村教育的政策研究”为题,采用文献研究法和调查研究法,分析了这一政策研究的背景、政策演变、研究现状、政策的实施现状及存在的问题并提出若干完善政策的建议。在本文中,笔者对“城镇”、“对口”及“政策”进行了界定,旨在有效地研究县域范围内开展的按需施教工作的实施现状,并尝试着从文本和执行两个层面分析政策的不足,以期为其完善做出贡献。笔者访谈了河南省YJ县、BY县的多位教师,从中选取了四位并将他们的支教故事编写成案例,方便读者的阅读和思考。本文可能的创新之处在于:将城镇的范围界定为“县域”;深化“对口”的含义,将支援的实效性和针对性作为研究重点;编写了有价值的案例;提出的政策建议有合理之处。

【Abstract】 With the deep influence of urban-rural-duality structure, the development of compulsory education between town and rural areas still keep in imbalance. For the reason, the focus of people on school hardware differences gradually transforms to teachers discrepancy. Teacher teams have protrudent problems in rural areas, which is the primary factor to restrict the development of compulsory education. Compared with compulsory education in town areas, there are many problems and shortages about teacher quantity, quality and structure in countryside. Generally speaking, it’s the weakest tache in the whole national education system, which needs promoting and reforming with the help of power from the out.In my research, town teacher supporting rural education pertinently, is to bring along the development of rural schools, achieve the uniform development of compulsory education in town district and make education justice in bigger extension, by collocating teachers scientifically and making the town schools help rural schools through the dominance in teachers. The establishing and pushing of the policy offers scientific gist for the work mentioned above, but people should pay attention to the actuality and give solutions to some problems.I make "Policy Research of Town Teacher Supporting Rural Education Pertinently" as the title, and analyse the background of policy research, policy evolvement, actuality of the research implement of the policy presently and the problems in it, then I give some advice to consummate the policy.In this paper, I interpret the words of "town", "pertinence" and "policy", in order to effectively study the actuality of supporting rural education pertinently, and try to analyse the shortages of the policy from the sides of text and implement to consummate the policy. I interview some teachers in the county of YJ and BY in Henan province, and compile their stories into cases for readers’ reading and thinking conveniently.The possible innovations of this paper are placed in: interpreting the word "town"; deepening meanings of "corresponding", focusing on the effectiveness and pertinence; choosing worthy cases and giving some reasonable suggestions.

  • 【分类号】G521
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】582

