

Research on the Desired Quantity of Chinese Literacy Teaching

【作者】 石战晓

【导师】 吴刚平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 识字教学一直是小学语文教学的重点,而在识字量的问题上,还未达成一致看法。尤其是新世纪以来,识字量一直是语文教学争议的热点。本文主要从我国小学语文识字教学的历史状况、小学语文识字教学改革的上海经验、小学语文教科书的用字状况三个方面呈现了识字教学的历史与现实,试图探讨识字教学中存在的问题并提出自己对这些问题的初步思考。从历史的角度看,改革开放以来,我国大陆地区小学语文识字教学所依托的语文绝对课时数和相对课时比一直在减少;小学识字总量要求相对比较稳定,但低年段识字量要求在目前却处于历史最高位,小学语文课时数与识字量之间的矛盾不断加剧。为此,我们一方面要理解识字教学乃至整个语文教育的严峻处境,另一方面也要寻找提高教学成效的新的思路和办法。同时,小学语文识字教学改革的上海经验告诉我们:小学低年级识字量的确定需要更多的关注与研究,不适宜的识字量及由此带来的频繁变更将给师生的教学与学习生活带来困扰。小学语文教科书本身的字量特征及识字教学的现实操作都呈现了鲜明的“加法”逻辑;字种特征则显示了大量次常用字、非常用字的存在;从跨学科的角度来看,识字教学所选字种与数学等其他学科所用字种存在很大差异。为更好地为其他学科的教学与学习服务,识字教学的研究范围不能只限于语文学科本身。

【Abstract】 Literacy teaching in primary schools has been the focus of language teaching. But the issue of the desired quantity of literacy teaching has not been reached consensus yet. Especially in the new century, desired quantity of literacyteaching has always been a controversial hot. This paper presents the history and reality of primary Chinese literacy teaching from three aspects: the historysituation of primary Chinese literacy teaching; Shanghai’s experience on the primary Chinese literacy teaching reform; the fact of the literacy teaching in the primary Chinese textbooks. I try to explore the problem of literacy teachingand put forward my own thinking on these issues.In a historical view, the primary school Chinese teaching hours of literacy and its percentage have been decreasing since the opening policy in the Mainland. The total desired quantity of literacy has been relatively steady, but the current desired quantity at low grades stands on a historically high position. The contradiction between teaching hours and desired quantity of literacy has kept on pricking up. Therefore, we have to understand the flinty situations of Chinese literacy teaching and try to find out new effective teaching methods.At the same time, primary Chinese literacy teaching reform of Shanghai’s experience tells us: the desired quantity of literacy in junior primary needs more attention and research. Inappropriate quantity of literacy and frequent changes may bring teachers and students some trouble in their teaching or learning life.The characteristics of characters in the primary Chinese textbook and the operation of teaching literacy in the reality have shown a distinct "additive" logic. The word features show that there are lots of characters not uesed in commen; From an interdisciplinary perspective, characters in literacy teaching are d-ifferent from other subjects, such as mathematics varies considerably. To better for the other subjects of teaching and learning, the scope of literacy teaching can not be limited to the language itself.

  • 【分类号】G623.2
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1467

