

Expound on Improvement of Judicial Review of China after the Transition of China’s Entry in WTO

【作者】 李媛媛

【导师】 张淑芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 宪法与行政法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 司法审查制度(iudicial review)是现代法治国家为了实现宪政目的而设计的控权制度,它一直以来都是立法者和学者们关注的焦点,尤其是在我国加入WTO之后,在过渡期内很多学者就如何构建与WTO制度相符的司法审查制度提出了自己的看法,一时间研究WTO框架下的司法审查制度成为行政法学界的风向标。然而,WTO过渡期后如何进一步完善司法审查制度这一议题却很少再有人问津,纠其原因,最为主要的莫过于过渡期内行政法制的调整在形式上已基本符合WTO法制的相关要求,继续关注的意义不大。然而,WTO过渡期后随着我国政治改革、经济改革,社会各领域调试变革的纵深发展,我国的司法审查制度的发展面临着前所未有的新形势,本文就是在这一新形势的背景下论述我国的司法审查制度在WTO过渡期后的新形势下仍有进一步完善的必要,进而分析我国的司法审查制度应当与WTO相关法制达到实质统一。首先厘清了司法审查制度的概念范畴,在总结了国内外学者对司法审查概念的不同定义的基础之上,本文提出司法审查制度就是指司法审查机关(可以不是司法机关)对行政行为进行合法性审查的救济制度,并在此基础上阐述了司法审查制度的意义、作用以及大陆法系和英美法系司法审查制度的不同特点。WTO法制下的司法审查制度吸收了两大法系司法审查制度的精髓,要求成员国依照WTO协议切实履行建立完善司法审查制度的承诺,因而我国作为WTO的成员国之一不仅要保证本国的司法审查制度与WTO法制保持一致,同时还要切实履行在入世承诺书中的“超WTO(WTO-plus)义务”,分析我国的司法审查制度现状与WTO法制要求的差距,得出过渡期后我国的司法审查制度还需进一步完善。其次分析了过渡期后我国司法审查制度发展面临的新形势,以及新形势对过渡期后我国司法审查制度的导向和影响。这主要体现在行政法制现代化、市场经济法制化、司法改革持续化、民主法制意识的强化这样四个方面。第一,在行政法制现代化的发展趋势下,行政权力的逐步自控和行政相对人权利救济方式的多样化趋势既是司法审查制度取得的成果也是过渡期后司法审查制度进一步完善的方向;第二,市场经济的纵深发展,在横向表现为主体范围的扩大,在纵向上表现为经济矛盾的加速出现,尤其是知识经济带来的专业化审案要求,均给过渡期后我国司法审查制度的完善提出了新的挑战;第三,司法改革推行多年虽有一定成果,但在强大的行政权面前仍然无法真正实现自治,但与此同时也有学者反向思考担心司法权会在一味的自治鼓励下越权侵害民主,于是又有了“司法能动主义”和“反多数难题”之争,从某一侧面体现了过渡期后我国司法审查理论发展中的矛盾;第四,民主、法治社会意识的形成强化了公民保护自身权利的意识,对司法审查有效控权的要求也因此提高,然而与此同时,社会意识领域中的后现代主义法学思潮对过渡期后司法审查制度的创新发展产生一定的影响。再者总结了WTO过渡期内我国司法审查制度迅速发展的成果,并将这些成果概要的分为指导思想的转变、法律规范的调整与创设、体系内容构建上的百家争鸣现象三大方面。过渡期内,在依法治国方略的指引下,我国行政权力的中心——政府在自己的角色定位进行了重新的审视,提出要从管制政府转变为服务政府。这一行政权力运行指导思想的转变深刻的影响着作为监督控权机制的司法审查制度的建构。在过渡期内法律规范的调整与创设方面也可以说是成果颇丰,其中较为重要的法制莫过于《行政许可法》、《公务员法》和《治安管理处罚法》了。在理论研究领域针对司法审查制度的建构学者们各持己见,在司法审查概念、司法审查主体、司法审查范围和司法审查标准等方面形成了百家争鸣的局面。最后对WTO过渡期后新形势下我国司法审查制度的不足予以列举并对其今后的进一步完善提出建议。首先受“人治”传统的影响,当前行政权优越司法的现象在我国司法实践中仍然常见,因此我国的司法审查的指导思想仍需宪政化;其次现行司法审查受案范围的局限性导致行政相对人的部分权益不能得到司法救济的途径,因此司法审查的范围需适时扩大;再次,体现在《行政复议法》和《行政诉讼法》中的现行司法审查程序存在诸多缺陷,因而建议进行修订完善;第四,以“合法性”审查为主要原则的现行司法审查的标准过于审慎,因此主张在建立“合法性为主、合理性为辅”的审查标准的同时,应引入“正当期待”原则作为司法审查标准构建的借鉴。最后,与司法审查制度相配套的行政控权法制部分领域还存在空白,因而建议过渡期后增补创设。

【Abstract】 As the one of the designed system to supervise administrative power, judicial review system has received continuous concerns from both scholars and legislators in recent years. Especially during the transition of China’s entry in WTO, how to establish a scientific and reasonable judicial review system has been a pioneering and hot topic among scholars. However, after the transition period, now there is less research about this problem. As far as I’m concerned, under the new circumstance of political and economic reform, judicial review system of China should be further improved in accordance with the requirements both from WTO system and China’s rapid social development. Therefore, this article, composed by four parts, aims to analyze the new situation in the face of the judicial review system after the transition of China’s entry in WTO and put forward some suggestions about further improvement.First of all, to make clear definition of judicial review is a fundamental problem. On the basis of the analysis of the definition from the civil law as well as the common law, we get a conclusion about the definition of China’s judicial review system which is different from the two law system. Meanwhile, we introduce WTO regulations and China’s promise relating to judicial review system in which the WTO-plus liability Chinese government shoulders should be paid more attention.’Second, it is a trigger to make us improve our judicial review system nowadays that our society has been experiencing great changes in most of fields of social system and consciousness. In terms of law system reform, although we has made some effective measures to keep the independence of judiciary, the superiority of the administrative power influence severely to realize the aim of judicial reform. And on the other hand, different kinds of conflicts are intrigued by rapid development of economy which also leads to higher quality requirement for judges to make trials. What’s the most important thing is securing individual legal rights and democracy has been the mainstream of social consciousness, how to provide sufficient judicial review system is really an urgent problem waiting for settlement.Third, we obtained noticeable achievements in adjustment of legal system during the transition period which is the foundation for the further improvement of judicial review system. At the first place, our government changed their guiding ideology in the role of social management from a manager to a servant which means administrative power was trying to restrict itself, and at the same time, promulgation of series of new laws, such as "Administrative License Law of People’s Republic of China" and "Civil Servant Law of People’s Republic of China", which intensified the tendency. And on the other aspect, the blossom of the research about the judicial review system during the transition period also brings about useful reference and enlightenment in judicial review’s improvement.The last, five proposals are be listed in modifying our judicial review system adapting to new circumstance and situations after the transition of China’s entry in WTO. These suggestions refer to the principles oriented by constitution, the further expansion of the scope of accepting cases, establishment of administrative procedure, the amendment of the grounds of judicial review and promulgation of new essential matching laws.

  • 【分类号】D922.1;D925.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】139

