

Influences of Different Treatments on Soil Conditions and Plant Physical and Physiological Characters

【作者】 靳思佳

【导师】 张德顺; 达良俊;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,上海市引进大批适应性较强、景观效果突出的新优树种用于行道树绿化,旨在提高生态效益的同时,丰富生物多样性,提升城市绿地的景观效益,创造“春观花、夏遮荫、秋变色、冬落叶”的季相变化,增强城市魅力,这给植物引种栽培工作提出了新的课题。鉴于目前城市行道树生长的立地条件较为恶劣,本研究以夕阳红红花槭、秋焰杂种槭、太平洋落日杂种槭及花叶马褂木等四种引自美国、加拿大苗圃的彩叶树种为试验对象,从施用土壤改良介质,改善行道树土壤生境以增强苗木适应能力的角度出发,采用沸石、草炭、食用菌下脚料、聚丙烯酸钾等不同配方的复合型改良介质对在大田和盆栽两种生长条件下的苗木土壤进行施肥处理,通过测定处理后土壤理化性质指标和苗木生长生理指标,研究不同改良配方对土壤的作用效果及苗木的生长生理响应,比较大田试验和盆栽试验结果的异同,同时筛选出相对理想的处理配方。本研究得出以下结论:1)结果表明,不同改良配方对土壤状况和苗木生长均有不同程度的改善和促进作用。相比对照组,基本表现为土壤容重、pH值降低,孔隙度、电导率值、有机质、水解氮、有效磷、全氮、全磷、全钾等含量增加,苗木高度、胸径、单叶面积、单叶干重、单叶鲜重、比叶重、叶片叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、花青素等含量增加。2)不同介质配方对不同受试树种、不同测定指标的表现存在一定差异。大田和盆栽实验结果具有一定的一致性,但也有一些差异。因此,改良土壤性质,做好行道树引种栽培工作,选择改良介质时,要因地制宜,充分考虑当地的土壤现状,被引种行道树的生长习性以及它们之间的相互作用。3)相对其他几种处理方法,聚乙烯酸钾对土壤容重、孔隙度等物理性质的改善效果最显著,且结合不同树种分析,效果普遍。盆栽实验中高浓度的聚乙烯酸钾比中、低浓度聚乙烯酸钾作用效果好。4)配方沸石+草炭土对土壤酸碱度的调节作用明显,且适用于不同苗木类型。影响土壤电导率值较为显著的是配方沸石+草炭土,其次配方沸石+食用菌下脚料、配方沸石。土壤电导率值与水解氮之间存在极显著的正相关关系。5)指标相关性分析结果显示,土壤有机质含量、水解氮、有效磷、全氮、全磷、全钾含量呈两两正相关,不同介质配方对这几种土壤性质的调节作用具有一定程度的一致性,即配方沸石+草炭土,配方沸石等对土壤养分的增加效果好。不同浓度梯度的聚丙烯酸钾对土壤养分的影响没有一致规律。6)配方沸石+草炭土较明显的增加了植物胸径、单叶面积、单叶重等,促进了植物的生长;配方沸石+食用菌下脚料对增加植物比叶重效果为优。盆栽实验中,配方聚丙烯酸钾和配方沸石+食用菌下脚料比叶重增幅较大。不同浓度梯度的聚丙烯酸钾对植物生长的影响没有一致规律。7)盆栽实验中,配方沸石+草炭土、配方沸石+食用菌下脚料以及高浓度聚丙烯酸钾对光合色素含量的增加效果为优。且叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量的变化规律呈现基本一致性。8)比叶重与叶片叶绿素含量为极显著正相关,比叶重是影响叶片光合能力的主要原因,改良土壤增加叶片叶绿素含量,也就是提高比叶重,提高光合速率。这对施用土壤改良介质具有指导意义。9)叶片花青素含量在改良介质的作用下,相比对照有增有减,不同配方表现出不同特点。因此,如何从土壤改良角度,在一定季节有效增加叶片花青素含量,保持色彩稳定性,延长色叶树种观叶期,是有待继续深入研究与探讨的课题。

【Abstract】 Recent years, many new cultivars with high adaptability and ornamental value are introduced as street trees in order to improve ecological benefits, improve bio-diversity, and creat significant seasonal landscape. So the introduction and acclimatization of street tree cultivars is an important subject to study.In this paper, Acer ’Autum Blaze’, Acer ’Paciflic Sunset’ , Acer rubrum ’Red Sunset’ and Liriodendron ’Aureomarginatum’ were selected as experimental trees, and Zeolite, peat, edible fungi wastes and K-PAM were selected as soil amendments. Based on varied weight ratios, the four materials were combined into different sorts of mixed soil conditioners. The effects of different treatments on soil conditions and plant physio-chemical properties had been studied. The results were as follows:1) The results indicated that soil amendments helped to improve soil fertility and plant growth process. Generally speaking, compared with control group, the treatments reduced soil bulk density and pH value, enhanced soil porosity, EC value, nutrition contents, and also, increased plant hight, DBH , single leaf area , single leaf weight, SLW, leaf chlorophyll, carotenoids and OPC contents.2)The influences of different treatments, trees and indexs were different. To some extend, it had the same trend in both field and pot experiments. So the soil actual state, trees growth habits and their interactions are the consideration factors when soil amendments were selected.3)Compared with other treatments, K-PAM could significantly decrease soil bulk density and increase soil porosity. In pot experiment, the effect of high concentration K-PAM treatment was better than middle and low concentration K-PAM.4)Treatment "Zeolite+peat" could distinctly decrease soil pH, and the effect was popular in different tree species. Treatment "Zeolite+peat", "Zeolite+ edible fungi wastes" could enhance soil EC value. According to this study, soil EC value demonstrated a significant positive correlation with soil hybridized N.5) Correlation analyses showed that it was positive correlation between any two indexes of soil organic matter, hybridized N, available phosphorus, TN, TP, TK. Treatment "Zeolite+peat" and treatment "Zeolite" could largely enhance soil nutrition contents. There was no identical rule among treatments "K-PAM" of different concentrations.6)The influence of treatment "Zeolite+peat" in plant hight, DBH , single leaf area , single leaf weight was remarkable; And for SLW, treatment "Zeolite+ edible fungi wastes" was the most effective. In the pot experiment, treatment "Zeolite+ edible fungi wastes" and treatment "K-PAM" could largely increase plant SLW. There was no identical rule among treatments "K-PAM" of different concentrations.7)In pot experiment, treatment "Zeolite+peat", treatment "Zeolite+ edible fungi wastes" and treatments "K-PAM" of high concentrations were the most good at increasing leaf chlorophyll and carotenoids contents.8) The relationship between SLW and leaf chlorophyll content was significant positive correlated, so the soil amendments which could increase leaf chlorophyll content could also increase SLW. This had important leading meaning for the usage of soil amendments.9) Compared with other treatments, leaf OPC contents changed rulelessly after different treaments. So it would be necessary to furtherly study how to effctively enhance leaf OPC contents in some season for increasing the landscape benefits.

  • 【分类号】S156;S687
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】255

