

Study of the Current Situation and Countermeasures for the Continuing Education of Shang-Hai Secondary Physical Education Teachers

【作者】 曹诗卉

【导师】 林陶;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会变革速度的加快,知识经济时代的到来,人们对知识的需求也更加迫切。陈旧的知识已远远不能满足当今时代的需要,继续教育是提高各方面素质的有效途径。在上海,随着中学体育与健身课程在的实施,新的教学理念对中学体育教师的素质提出了更高的要求,继续教育是提高教师队伍素质的有效手段。本课题采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法、逻辑比较分析法等科学研究方法,以上海市中学体育教师作为研究对象。阐述了本研究的理论基础,归纳总结了国内外教师继续教育的现状和发展趋势,对本研究的相关概念进行了界定,通过调查了解上海市中学体育教师的整体结构特征、继续教育的现状及教师的期望、不同类型学校教师继续教育的情况、学校继续教育制度的设立情况、领导对教师继续教育的支持情况、教师继续教育的困难及影响因素等,进而提出促进上海市中学体育教师继续教育的建议和对策。本研究得出的结论是:上海市中学体育教师的结构特征较合理;一半的教师认为在技术更新类知识、前沿知识、教育类知识等方面有欠缺,英语和科研水平不高,大部分教师能掌握计算机的基本操作;大部分学校设立了继续教育的相关政策法规制度,但是也有少部分学校未落实;大多数教师都参加过继续教育,学校类型之间没有显著性差异;继续教育的形式、内容基本合理,但有些方式和内容与教师的期望还有距离;评价机制和激励机制不尽完善;继续教育的主要影响因素是时间安排问题、配套的政策、激励机制和资金等。针对当前上海市中学体育教师继续教育的现状和存在的问题,提出了以下建议:进一步完善继续教育的政策法规,促进体育教师的成长;建立“国家、学校、个人、企业”多级分担经费保障机制,建立教师继续教育基金制度;建立配套的激励机制和奖励制度激发教师继续教育的热情;提倡多样的进修形式相结合,尽量满足教师的实际需要;调整继续教育的内容,培养反思性实践家;构建合理的评价体系,提高进修质量;采取措施解决工学矛盾,提高继续教育的效率;建立一支多序列、高水准的继续教育授课教师队伍群。

【Abstract】 People are also more urgent to the knowledge demand along with socialist system speed quickening and era of knowledge economy arrival. The continuing education enhances all quarter’s elementary area archery target efficient path. Physical education teachers must constantly improve their own quality to adapt to the physical education curriculum, to ensure implementation of the results along with sports and fitness courses in primary and secondary schools in Shanghai. It is an effective means to improve the quality of teachers.The leadership of the study is some Physical education teachers and sports teachers in charge of continuing education in secondary schools in Shanghai. The study has defined the related concept, summarized the present situation and development trend of continuing education at home and abroad of the status. It has investigated and understood the difficulty and the influencing factor of the continuing education, the support situation of the leaders, the system of continuing education in school, the continuing education’s situation in different type school, the present situation of continuing education, and overall construction characteristic of the Physical education teachers in Middle school in Shanghai and so on. Then it proposed the suggestion and the countermeasure to further the continuing education of the Physical education teachers in Middle school in Shanghai.The conclusion of this research is: The structure of physical education teachers is more reasonable in Middle school in Shanghai. Half teacher lacks technical cultural knowledge and so on, English and the scientific research level is not high, the majority of teachers grasp computer’s elementary operation. The majority of schools have set up the continuing education related policies and regulations, but also has little the partial schools not to carry out. The majority of teachers have participated in continuing education; it has not difference between different type schools. The content and forms are basic reasonable, but some have the distance with teacher’s expectation. The appraisal mechanism and the incentive mechanism are not perfect; It is the major effect factor of continuing education that the time arrangement and the teachers personnel issues.It made the following recommendations in view of the current and the status of the existing problems of continue education of Physical education teachers in Middle school in Shanghai. Those include Further improving policies and regulations, and stabling he funds safeguard mechanism of "the country, the school, individual, the enterprise" multistage shares, and stabling the necessary incentive mechanism and the incentive system stimulates to stimulate teachers Enthusiasm, and promoting the integration of diverse forms of education to meet the expectations of teachers, and adjusting the content of continuing education to achieve the goal of the reconsideration practice, and Constructing the reasonable appraisal system to improve the further education quality, and taking measures to resolve the contradictions between the workers, continuing to improve The efficiency of education; establishing a more than one sequence and high standard teaching profession Group.

  • 【分类号】G633.96;G635.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】378

