

Investigation and Research on the Attribution Disposition of PE Learning Success or Failure and the Relationship between It and the Self-efficacy of the Middle School Students with Disabilities in Eyes or Ears in WeiFang

【作者】 杨静

【导师】 唐征宇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,盲、聋等特殊学校的体育作为残疾人体育事业的一部分,越来越受到人们的重视。但目前关于如何才能更好地开展残疾人学校体育教育的相关研究还较少。本研究旨在通过对潍坊市几所特殊学校的视、听障中学生的体育学习成败归因取向及其自我效能感情况的调查,了解影响其学习成败的因素,进而针对存在的问题提出相应的建议,为潍坊市特殊学校体育教育的改革和发展提供一定的参考。本研究选取潍坊市三所聋盲学校及附近三所普通中学的学生为研究对象,其中男生148名,女生有139名,共计287名。所选对象按学校类别分为三组,即聋校学生组、盲校学生组及普通中学组。①聋校学生组,聋生106名(男生52人,女生54人);②盲校学生组,(男生33人,女生20人);③普通中学组,128名(男生63人,女生65人)。采用《中学生体育学习成败归因调查问卷》和《自我效能感问卷》对其进行调查研究。研究结论如下:(1)视、听障中学生与普通中学生的体育学习成败归因取向不尽一致。听障中学生主要把其体育学习成败归因于学习环境等外部、不可控的因素;视障与普通中学生主要把其学习成败归因于能力、兴趣等内部因素。(2)视障中学生体育学习成败取向上,性别之间存在显著性差异,男生更倾向于选择学习成功;年级之间也存在很大差异,高年级的学生更倾向于选择学习成功。聋校学生年级、性别之间均无显著性差异。(3)三类学校中学生的自我效能感与其学习成败取向均呈正相关,即体育学习成功者的自我效能感均高于体育学习失败者的自我效能感。在学习成功者中,普通学校学习成功者的自我效能感水平最高,其次是盲校,再次是聋校;而学习失败者中,盲校学生自我效能感最高,其次是普通学校,聋校学习失败者的自我效能感最低。建议:(1)教师在教学的过程中,注意引导学生建立有利于提高其自我效能感的归因方式。(2)根据学生的年龄不同,建立适合学生年龄特点的归因方式,并对学生的归因方式进行强化训练。(3)根据视障、听障中学生的身心发展特点,设置适合视障、听障中学生发展的体育项目。(4)教师可以结合日常的教育教学工作,针对不同学生的归因倾向进行引导,鼓励和强化,以便形成正确的归因方式。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the physical education (P.E) in Special Schools as a part of the disabled P.E get put on more and more importance. But presently, there are few researches on how to develop the disabled physical education better. The research mainly investigates attributing disposition of learning success or failure in P.E and self-efficacy of the Middle school students with disabilities in eyes or ears and the students without disabilities, and find some reasons that influence their P.E learning, According to the existing problems, some suggestions are made after with the purpose of offering some help for the exchange and development of special P.E education.The students who are chosen in this research are from three deaf or blind special middle schools and three normal middle schools nearby, the number of the total students is 287,including 148 boys and 139 girls. The students chosen are divided to three groups according to different schools. That is to say the students with disabilities in eyes、the students with disabilities in ears and the students without disabilities. The number of the students with disabilities in ears is 106, including 52 boys and 54 girls, the number of the students with disabilities in eyes is 53, including 33boys and 20 girls and the number of the students without disabilities is 128, including 63 boys and 65 girls, "attribution questionnaire on the success or failure in P.E of middle school students" and "the questionnaire of self-efficacy" are adapted in this research. The results indicate:(1)The attribution disposition of the Middle school students are not all the same. The students with disabilities in ears mainly distribute their learning success or failure to learning environment which is internal and uncontrollable and so on; the students who are with disabilities in eyes or without disabilities attribute their success or failure to their own abilities, interests which is internal and so on.(2)Three is significance in the disposition of success or failure of P.E learning between boys and girls who are with disabilities in eyes. Boys prefer to choose success instead. Three is also significance in the disposition of success or failure of P.E learning among different grades, the higher the grades are, the more possible they choose success. Three is no significance among different grades and different genders.(3) The self-efficacy level of the middle school students with disabilities in eyes or ears is highly relative to the learning success or failure, the self-efficacy of the students who gets success in P.E learning is evidently higher than the students who get failure in P.E learning. For the students who get success in P.E learning, the self-efficacy level of the students without disabilities is highest, then is the students with disabilities in eyes, and last is the students with disabilities in ears. But for the students who get failure in P.E learning, the self-efficacy level of the students with disabilities in eyes is highest, then is the students without disabilities, and last is the students with disabilities in ears.Suggestions:(1) Teachers should lead students to construct the favorable attribution way during they teach.(2)Teachers should construct the attribution way according to the different ages, and they should strengthen the students’ attribution.(3)According to characters of physiology development of the students with disabilities in eyes or ears, we should arrange some sports that suit for the students.(4)Usually, teachers may lead ,encourage and reinforce the students to construct the favorable attribution way according to the usual education and teaching work.

  • 【分类号】G760
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】265

