

Research on Entrepreneurial Status of Postgraduate

【作者】 李亚南

【导师】 葛大汇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 21世纪是知识经济时代,创业意识及其能力是这个时代发展的引擎,因而很多实事与理论指出知识经济的时代即创业的时代。在此背景下,我国的诸多教育政策鼓励研究生积极投身创业实践,并为他们提供了难得的机遇;然而研究生从事创业的现状不尽如人意。由此,“研究生创业”日益成为我国社会与教育发展中一个广受瞩目的研究课题。作为系统思考的基础,本研究用了一定的篇幅对高校学生创业运动的过程、当下创业实践中所遇到的问题做了较为详尽的文献研究;同时,笔者认为研究生创业也是一个关及社会发展成熟程度的范畴,因而必须对美国(发达国家)、印度(发展中国家)等一些国家的创业政策及其鼓励措施作一些横向比较分析,以期通过时代演变与国别比较的纬度来寻找分析当下我国现实问题的启示与借鉴。本研究主要采用了政策分析、问卷及案例调查和专家咨询访谈等方法;问卷对象为上海地区复旦、交大、华东师大和同济4所“985”高校全日制硕士研究生,涉及文科、理科两类多个专业,有效样本为186人,笔者希望通过较大样本的数量倾向来印证一些典型个案的普遍意义,以增进研究的信度与效度。在以上中外文献积累与方法设计的基础上,本论文的实证部分将调查的对象分为两类:一类是“亲身实践”创业的研究生,调查其创业经历、周遭条件、动机维持等真实境遇;另一类是创业的“坐而论道”者,调查其创业认知、“敢于冒险”等创业意识、能力等状况,企图揭示今日研究生创业的困难所在。结果表明,卵翼于“分配就业”观念下的研究生大多缺乏创业精神,害怕承担风险;狭隘的知识结构亦难以应对综合性的创业要求;同时,筹得必需的创业“第一笔资金”的机会微乎其微。因而,今日研究生创业绝大多数仅为“想法”而非“行动”。笔者认为上述创业之路难以走通的原因是:当前扶持创业的政策华而不实;风险投资机制不健全;传统文化缺乏鼓励个人冒尖创业的成份,传统的研究生教育忽视实践能力与个性培养。缘于此,本论文最后一个章节从创业扶持政策建设、创业文化环境培育及研究生教育管理模式改革三个方面,提出了促进研究生创业意识与能力、保障研究生创业权益的对策建议,希望对我国的这一重大问题贡献自己的一份思考。

【Abstract】 21st century is the century when knowledge is a key component in the economy development. The entrepreneurship, like an engine, is an important motivation to develop the knowledge economy. In some way, the era of knowledge economy is the era of innovative undertaking. With this background, many educational policies in China encourage graduate students to actively plunge into entrepreneurship, and provide them with many opportunities, but the status of graduate students in the entrepreneurship is not satisfactory. Therefore, "the graduate students’ innovative undertaking" has become a research topic which has gained wide attention from our society and education.As the basis of system thinking, we did a detail literature study on university students entrepreneurial movement process and the current practical problems of entrepreneurship. At the same time, we believe that graduate entrepreneurship is also an area of social development and maturity, thus this needs a comparative analysis on start-up policies and incentives of United States (developed country), India (developing country) and some other countries. Using the comparative analysis between these countries, we hope to find the inspiration and reference to analyze the current reality of China. This study used policy analysis, questionnaires, case studies and interviews with expert advice, and other methods. Questionnaire targets are full-time masters students of Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, East China Normal University and Tongji University, which are all "985" universities in Shanghai. Many majors in arts and sciences are surveyed and there are 186 effective samples in total. We hope that through this large number of samples, we can confirm commonness significance of some typical cases to enhance reliability and validity of the study.On the basis of accumulation and design of Chinese and foreign literature above all the research objects are divided into two groups. One group is the graduate students who experienced the entrepreneurship in person. The investigation has been carried on in the following aspects: the experience, the condition and the motivation of their undertaking, so as to show the real situation of the graduate students’ entrepreneurship. The other group is the graduate students who mainly emphasize on the theories of entrepreneurship. The investigation of this group focuses on the perception, the awareness, and the ability of entrepreneurship so as to reveal the difficulty of the graduate students’ entrepreneurship. The result shows that many graduate students rely too much on the "employment distribution", to have the undertaking spirit and the sense of innovation, to undertake the risk of undertaking. Furthermore, their limited knowledge from classrooms can hardly meet the comprehensive requirement of the entrepreneurship. At the same time, the chance of raising the necessary venture capital, "the first fund", is little. So for most of them, the innovative undertaking remains only "an idea" instead of "an action". The author of this thesis believe that the obstacle of the entrepreneurship is: the policies to encourage the graduate students’ entrepreneurship look impressive but impractical; the mechanism of risk investment is incomplete. Chinese traditional culture lacks the capacity to encourage individuals to take risks, and also ignores the training of students’ ability and individuality. All these factors lead to the abortion of the graduate students’ entrepreneurship. Due to this, the final chapter of this paper make recommendations to promote entrepreneurship awareness and ability of graduate students, and protect entrepreneurship rights of graduate students on three respects: designing policies to encourage the innovative undertaking, the cultivation of the innovative undertaking culture, and the reform of the management pattern for the graduate student education. I hope that my thinking can make contribution to this important issue of China.

【关键词】 研究生创业现状对策
【Key words】 postgraduatesentrepreneurshipstatuscountermeasure
  • 【分类号】G643
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1724

