

Study on College and University Counselors’ Competencies and Development in the Process of Specialization

【作者】 俞雪琴

【导师】 邱永明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 成人教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国“高校辅导员”这一职业建立于新中国成立初期。在五十多年里,随着国内外政治形势的变化,社会主义精神文明建设的逐步加强,教育事业的不断发展,高校辅导员的工作性质、地位、功能及素质要求也不断变化,并向着专业化方向发展。本论文以高校辅导员素质及其开发为研究主题,全文共分为五章:第一章:绪论。首先,分析了新时期新形势下高校辅导员的工作环境、工作对象和工作方式的变化,以及由此带来的对辅导员的新要求,说明了辅导员素质及其开发的必要性和重要性。其次,界定了“高校辅导员”、“高校辅导员素质”和“开发”等相关概念的内涵。此外,通过对高校辅导员素质及开发的已有研究成果的文献综述,为本研究的思路和着力点的明确提供了启发。第二章:高校辅导员专业化发展趋势。回顾和总结了高校辅导员制度产生、发展的四个阶段,即创建期、瘫痪期、恢复期和改革期。揭示了在历史积淀的基础上和现实需要的推动下高校辅导员专业化发展的趋势,指出了研究高校辅导员素质的理论和现实意义。第三章:高校辅导员的素质结构。从国家政策要求、工作分析、社会角色三个维度分析了高校辅导员的职责、职能,进而推导出高校辅导员的素质要求。最后首次尝试性地构建了由思想品质、能力、专业技能和专业知识四大模块组成的高校辅导员素质结构,为研究和实施辅导员素质开发提供了参考依据。第四章:高校辅导员素质及其开发现状分析。通过对上海地区的几所高校本科辅导员素质及其开发现状的调查,较全面地探讨了目前高校辅导员素质及其开发的优势和不足。其中不足主要有:职业意识的不稳定、知识结构的不完整、自我学习意识不强等,从而为高校辅导员素质开发研究提供了一手资料,也为开发重点的明确提供了实证依据。第五章:高校辅导员素质开发的对策建议。根据高校辅导员的素质结构,针对辅导员素质及其开发方面存在的问题,从高校辅导员整体队伍建设、培训开发和自我开发三个维度提出了若干开发对策。其中强调了在基础较好的师范院校开设高校辅导员专业,建议列入专业目录;明确指出现阶段应重点实施高校辅导员职业思想教育,心理咨询技能和职业生涯辅导技能培训。

【Abstract】 In the initial stage of our country, there emerged a new occupation named college counselor who provides various of guidance for the college students. In the past fifty years, with the transformation of internal political situation and strengthening of socialist spiritual civilization construction as well as continuous development of education there witnessed dynamic changes of college counselors in working nature, position, function and quality, which is developing towards a specialized direction. This thesis focuses on the competencies of college counselors and the development of those competencies. There are five chapters altogether as follows:Chapter I is introduction. The paper first analyzes the changes of working environment, working objective and working manner for the college counselors under the new trend in such a new era, illustrating the necessity and importance of competencies of college counselors and its development. The concepts of "College Counselor", "Competencies of College Counselors", "Development" or any other relevant concepts are defined in this chapter. Further more, it provides much enlightenment with insight and footing for this research through reviewing the latest literatures on competencies and competency developments.The tendency of college counselors’ specialization development is explained in Chapter II. Via retrospect and summary of the formation and development of college counselor system which has undergone four historical periods: its infancy, paralysis, recovery and reform phase, which is still to come. The paper reveals the tendency of college counselors’ specialization development on the basis of historical accumulation and practical demands. And finally the theoretical and practical significance of the study can be concluded.Chapter III constructs a competency model of college counselors. Their competency requirements can be deduced from analysis on their roles and responsibilities from three dimensions such as national policy requirements, working analysis as well as social roles. In the end the paper proposes a competency model for college counselors containing four modules namely, knowledge, skills, ability and attitude, as a reference ground of the research.The analysis of current college counselors’ competencies and competency development is focused in Chapter IV. The advantages and disadvantages of college counselors’ competencies and development can be explored in a more comprehensive way via questioning and interviewing in several colleges in the area of Shanghai. Some disadvantages can be found such as unstability of vocational consciousness, incomplete knowledge structure and lack of strong learning awareness etc. And it provides the first-hand information for the research and offers empirical basis for definite development priorities.In Chapter V, some suggestions on development concerning about current issues in college counselors’ competency and its development can be made , in line with the new established competency model from three perspectives namely, construction of college counselors’ team, training development and self-development. Among these suggestions, the emphasis ones are to set up a major for college counselor in normal universities , which are in a more favorable condition , and to list this new major in specialty catalogue. In the end it is clearly pointed out that more attention must be paid on the vocational consciousness training, the skill of psychological counseling and career counseling.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1774

