

Research on the Construction of Academic Evaluation System in Universities

【作者】 刘逸君

【导师】 沈玉顺;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学术评价作为评判学术质量的活动,在学术行业发挥着示范和导向作用。以学术评价为主要手段的学术评价制度,是规范学术行为、维护学术秩序、保障学术质量的基本制度,对学术事业的兴衰有着举足轻重的影响。在我国高等教育系统中,近年来由于学术评价制度不完善而造成的学术失范问题及其对我国学术事业的损害,日益引起学界和公众注目,改进学术评价制度、优化学术工作环境的呼声日益强烈。本文运用历史研究和案例研究方法,对我国学术评价制度建设问题进行了系统的研究。本文从学术评价概念分析入手,讨论了学术评价的基本问题和学术评价制度建设的主要内容,考察了英美学术评价制度发展的历史和典型案例,分析了我国学术评价制度的历史沿革和当前实践,对我国高校学术评价中存在的问题进行了剖析,在此基础上提出了加强我国高校学术评价制度建设的对策建议。本文认为,以学术规范、同行评议、学术问责为核心的学术评价制度,是学术制度的重要内容;完善的学术评价制度是学术活动健康发展的重要保障;学术评价制度形成和发展,受历史文化传统、社会现实和学术人员价值追求的制约;当前我国高校学术评价存在可靠性差、公信力低,学术失范现象严重以及学术过程评估机制薄弱等问题。传统文化的影响、学术评价制度的缺陷、高校对自身利益的追求和个体学术道德滑坡是造成上述问题的重要原因,学术评价制度存在缺陷则是问题的根源。据此,本文提出通过完善学术评价的政策法律基础、重建学术规范、改进学术评价制度的功能、建立学术问责和严厉的学术惩戒机制、健全学术评价组织体系、改进学术评价方法和技术、加强学术人员道德建设等措施加强我国高校学术评价制度建设的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Academic evaluation system, as the activities of evaluating the academic quality, plays an important role in demonstrating and guiding in academic field. This system is the basis of regulating academic activity, maintaining academic order and guaranteeing academic quality, so it has great influence on rising and falling of academic development. In recent years, phenomenon of academic im petuosity in colleges and universities arouse attention from the public and academia because of the imperfect academic evaluation system. It is urged to modify the system and optimize the working environment. Through history-study and case-study methodology, the thesis makes a through research on academic evaluation system construction.This thesis starts with the concept of academic evaluation, then to discuss the basic problems and the main content of construction of academic evaluation system. It reviews the history and cases about the development of academic evaluation system in UK and USA, analyzes the reform and situation in China, and puts forward some advices on strengthening academic evaluation system construction.The thesis argues that academic evaluation system consisting of academic standardization, peer review and academic responsibility is an inevitable content of the academic system. Sound academia evaluation system is an important guarantee for the healthy development of academic activities. Its formation and development are restricted by historical and cultural traditions, social reality and academic staff’s pursuit of value. Now academic evaluation in our colleges and universities has lots of problems such as poor reliability, low credibility, serious academic impetuosity, weak process evaluation system and so on. All these result from traditional culture, limitations in the system and the pursuit of own benefits in the colleges and universities and individual immorality in academy. Imperfect academic evaluation system fundamentally contributes to all the problems. Therefore, the thesis proposes several suggestions such as to modify the legal basis of laws and regulations, reconstruct academic standards, improve function of academic evaluation system, the proposed stringent academic accountability and disciplinary mechanisms, improve the organizational system, innovate methods and techniques, and enhance the moral construction of academic staff.

  • 【分类号】G644
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】878

