

A Study on Ki-duk Kim Tragedy Film

【作者】 杨超

【导师】 陈卫平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 广播电视艺术学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 金基德是二十世纪末韩国出现的一个异类电影作者,他在非常短的时间内成为世界瞩目的电影大师。金基德的悲剧电影为当前精神层面思考缺失的韩国电影提供了新鲜的血液,但是他的电影之路是伴随着争议的。本文旨在通过金基德悲剧电影的具体分析,试图揭示一个真正的电影作者金基德,尤其是他的悲剧背后所隐藏的深层次的原因。在他的悲剧电影中,不仅对人性有深刻的刻画,也用自己独特的电影语言表明作者“借影言志”:深刻的社会时代剧变中,人类无力的挣扎和艰难的精神现实。金基德的悲剧证明了东西方文化艺术在一些“典型的、反复出现的意象”中可以达成一定程度的审美共通性。金基德在电影中充满东方色彩的细节渲染,再加上与西方相似的叙事结构设置,于是影片在东西方的观众群里就如同“熟悉的陌生人”,获得了来自不同角落的审美认同。最后,金基德的创作经历也揭示了一个深刻而且是全世界正在面临的问题:文化认同和文化冲突。金基德的悲剧作品表明了其自身不仅得益于这个问题同时也在这个问题中左右摇摆,向“主流”靠近的金基德表明了一个信号:金基德要么和自身的文化传统对抗下去,臣服于另一个文明:要么,背上一个民族电影的标签,成为后殖民语境中的一个民族主义者。

【Abstract】 Ki-duk Kim is a heretical Korean film author in the late of 20th century. He became an outstanding film master in a very short time. The tragedy film of Ki-duk Kim supplied the Korean film field that is short of mental world thought with fresh blood for the present, while his art life is companied with controversy.The thesis is aimed to reveal the real film author Ki-duk Kim, especially the deep reasons behind his films through the analysis on his films in details. In his tragedy films, not only he deeply portrayed the humanity ,but he shows that the human weak struggle and difficult mental world in the violent society changes through his unique film language .His tragedy shows that the art from west and east could reach aesthetic judgment generality on some scale in the "typical and repeatedly" images. His film is filled with oriental flavor in details, as well as the narrate structure that is similar to western install. So Ki-duk Kim got aesthetic identity from eastern and western audience.At last, the art life of Ki-duk Kim shows a deep problem that the whole world is confronted with: the Cultural-Merging and Cultural -Differences. His tragedy films are proved to be that he not only has gotten benefits from the problem but has been fallen under its influence. The approach to so called "main sream" shows us: Ki-duk Kim will struggle with the culture tradition from his motherland and submit himself to the other civilization, or he will be a nationalism hero sticked by a national "label" in the post-colonial culture context.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】576

