

Study on Election of Chinese Ancient Articles in Junior Chinese Textbooks

【作者】 戴婉琴

【导师】 倪文锦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年9月13日我国发布《国家“十一五”时期文化发展规划纲要》,提出将在中学语文课程中适当增加传统经典范文、诗词的比重;同时指出,中小学各学科课程都要结合学科特点融入中华优秀传统文化内容。中共十七大报告强调“弘扬中华文化,建设中华民族共有精神家园。中华文化是中华民族生生不息、团结奋进的不竭动力。”“要全面认识祖国传统文化,取其精华,去其糟粕,使之与当代社会相适应、与现代文明相协调,保持民族性,体现时代性。”对于中学生来说,传播中国民族文化最直接的媒介就是语文教材,被看作是传递和接受人类精神财富的凭借物。有学者认为:选文的质量高低决定着一套(本)教材的面貌和质量。文章能够选得好,关键取决于教材编选者能否选得好,关键取决于教材编选者“衡文”的眼力和水平。可以说,只要文章选得好,教材编写就成功了一大半,而古代作品的选文同样如此,本文以此为研究的出发点,对古代作品选文进行探讨。《初中语文教材古代作品选文探讨》,是基于对中国古代作品的价值分析和历年大纲的教学要求的变化梳理上,语文学科的性质和语文教学目的对古代作品选文的要求分析,在人本主义心理学、“最近发展区”的学习理论指导下,利用文献研究、比较分析等方法对建国以来人教版初中语文教材古代作品选文的纵向评析,得出古代作品的选文应该建立在正确认识语文的学科性质,合理规定古代作品教学目的的基础上,使选文具有人文性和审美性;选文要与初中生的心理特点和时代特点相契合,具有趣味性和生活气息;选文要注重培养学生的情感态度和价值观;要区分选文功能,凸现教材精要。当然,本研究还有很多方面有待于进一步深入探讨,本文所揭示和建构的只是初中语文教材古代作品选文基本框架,或者说是总体倾向,至于在这一框架下选文具体原则的确定、作品数量科学安排、体裁和题材的协调等诸多细节问题还有待于作进一步的深入研究。

【Abstract】 Our country issued《Outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Cultural Development》on 13th September 2006, proposed that would improve the appropriate proportion classical tradition model literature and poems in Chinese curriculum of middle school, and also stressed, all the subject curriculum of elementary and middle school should integrate their own characteristic blend into the content of Chinese outstanding tration culture. the 17th National Congress reports of Chinese communist part of china stressed "Promote Chinese culture and build the common spiritual home for the Chinese nation. Chinese culture has been an unfailing driving force for the Chinese nation to keep its unity and make progress from generation to generation " " To have a comprehensive understanding of traditional Chinese culture, keep its essence and discard its dross to enable it to fit in with present-day society, stay in harmony with modern civilization, keep its national character and reflect changes of the times.To middle school students, the most direct medium to spread Chinese national culture is Chinese texts, it is regarded as the medium of transmit and receive human spiritual wealth. some scholars believe that: quality of the language teaching materials is determined by the selection materials . The elect good article key lies in whether the election materials were well, key lies in selector vision and level. It can say that the good elected article is the most successful of the teaching materials , so the same to the election of the ancient article. Based on this view, This thesis discuss the election of ancient article.《Study on election of Chinese ancient articles in junior Chinese textbooks》, is based on the value of Chinese classical literature and arrange the change about leading principles over the years of education request, from the characteristic of Chinese curriculum to analyze the request to the election of ancient articles, and under the humanism psychology and "recent development zone"guidance, to utilize the method of document study, comparative study and other methods, to compare and analyze the junior Chinese texts of the election ancient articles of people education publishing house from the establish of our country, and get the conclusion that the election of ancient articles should build on the correct know of the Chinese subject characteristic, based on set the proper academic goal foundation, the articles should poesses humanism and aesthetics;and the election of articles should correspond to the junior students’ psychological and times characteristics, the articles should poesses both interesting and contact with life closely; and the ancient articles should impressed to train students’emotion, attitude and value; and we should also differentiate the function of the articles, to show the essentials of the texts.Surely, there are many aspects are waited to study of this thesis. and this thesis just show the framework of the junior Chinese textbook, or the overall trend. As to definite the exact principles , arrange the article quantity scientificly, to coordinate subject matter and types of literature and many other details still are waited to be studied thoroughly.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】932

