

The Study on Character and Development of Public Labor Organization in Shanghai

【作者】 黄越

【导师】 王大犇;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 发展公益性劳动组织是上海解决社会在发展过程中一部分因年龄大、身体状况差、受教育水平低,或因体制等历史因素造成的,在就业能力上有欠缺的就业困难群体和零就业家庭的主要途径。自1998年发展至今,公益性劳动组织有效安置了大量的下岗失业、协保人员,也为社会稳定和谐发展发挥了重要作用。本文以上海公益性劳动组织为研究对象,重点研究了以下三方面的内容:一是根据笔者2007年7月在普陀区促进就业中心实习期间,走访了二家公益服务社,召开了公益服务社从业人员、负责人员,万千百人就业项目负责人等多项座谈会的内容,分析了普陀区公益性劳动组织的发展现状,包括从业人员的年龄、性别及身份构成;在资金、运作及人员管理方面的特点。从公益性劳动组织的从业人员、管理人员以及物业公司等多角度了解了目前公益性劳动组织在发展过程中所遇到的资金、管理及发展方面的问题。二是通过文献检索,了解国外相关的非营利组织、非政府组织或第三部门在资金来源、法律保障、人员管理、内外监督体系等多方面的特点和经验,并结合我国公益性劳动组织的发展现状,从概念、管理模式等方面进行大量的对比研究,总结出适合我国公益性劳动组织的发展的借鉴经验。同时还从西方新公共管理的角度,分析不同国家的改革措施及对我国公共服务改革的启发之处。三是在分析了我国公益性劳动组织改革的必然性基础上,从公益服务社和万千百人就业项目等不同角度,分别较为细致地探讨我国公益性劳动组织进一步发展的思路。在研究方法上,本文以定性研究、集体访谈与问卷调查为主,定量研究为辅,并借助SPSS、Excel等工具辅助研究。本文的亮点在于通过集体访谈、问卷调查等形式较为系统深入地对上海公益性劳动组织进行了实证研究,并借鉴国外相关组织的发展经验,提出了上海公益性劳动组织的进一步发展的新思路。本文的主要结论有以下几点:1.上海公益服务社、千百人就业项目以及万人就业项目中的社会服务型项目可以在社区层面进行资源整合。进一步拓展公益性岗位的范围,向社区就业方向发展,一方面充分发掘每个从业人员的自身特点和优势,利用社区资源为其安排适合就业困难人员发展的岗位;二是充分发展社区就业,提高社区服务的质量。政府则通过发放“补贴券”的形式购买公共服务成果,同时也鼓励就业困难人员通过社会关系、创业等形式自助就业。2.上海万人就业项目中的协管类项目则可以考虑转变为社会治理中的第三部门即国际标准意义上的公共组织(非营利组织,非政府组织)。政府从具体的公共物品与公共服务直接提供中解脱出来,致力于公共政策的制定和公共服务的行业监督和政策监管,也是我国大量的社会公益类事业单位今后的发展方向。3.政府转变职能,把完善配套机制增强创新机制、强化内部管理,建立双向问责机制,建立配套的法律保障体系等作为今后发展公益性劳动组织的工作重点。

【Abstract】 The development of nonprofit labor organization is the main channel to solve the non-employment family group and those people,who have difficulties on employment because of old age,poor health,low educational level,or such history and institutional factors in the process of Shanghai social development.Since 1998,so far,the nonprofit labor organization has effectively reset a large number of laid-off workers,people who agree to retain the social insurance relation,and also has played an important role on the harmonious development of social stability.This paper takes the nonprofit labor organization as the research object, and mainly studies three aspects contest as follows:First,it is according to the author’s investigation in the employment promoting training centre of Putuo District in July 2007,which visited two public service groups,held a number of forums of public service employees, officers,principals of millions or thousands of people employment projects,etc. The paper analysis the development status of nonprofit labor organization in Putuo District,including the age,gender and identity structure of employees as well as the features of the bankroll,operation and personnel management.The paper also finds the current labor organizations in the development process faced by the issues in the bankroll,management and development from the nonprofit labor organization’s employees,management personnel and property companies,and other public welfare point of view.Second,through the literature search to understand the characteristics and experience in the sources of funds,legal protection,personnel management,internal and external oversight system of related non-profit organizations,non-governmental organizations or the third sector in the foreign countries.The paper did a large number of comparative study from the concept,management and other aspects,which combined with the development status of China’s nonprofit labor organizations,and summed up the development way of China’s nonprofit labor organizations from experience. At the same time the paper also analyzed different reform measures of other countries and the revelation on China’s public service reform from the western new public management point of view. Third,this paper analyzed the necessity of China’s nonprofit labor organizations reform,and from different angles such as the public service and the millions or thousands of people employment projects,this paper respectively,more detailed discussed the further development of ideas of China’s nonprofit labor organizations.In the research methods,the paper took the qualitative research,the collective interviews and questionnaire as the main survey,supplemented by quantitative research and the help of SPSS,Excel and other supporting research tool.This paper’s bright spot is have more in-depth carried out empirical studies of the Shanghai nonprofit labor organizations through collective interviews,questionnaires and other forms.This also learns from the development experience of foreign relevant organizations and brings forward new ideas of further development of Shanghai nonprofit labor organizations.The paper’s main conclusions are as follows:1.Shanghai public service groups,the thousands of people employment projects and the social service item in millions of people employment projects could have resource conformity in community level.The scope of the public service posts should be further expanded and the public post can develop in the community employment direction.In that case,it can fully exploit every employee’s own characteristics and take the advantages of community resources to arrange the suitable staffs that have difficulty in employment on one hand.The other is to fully develop community employment,to improve the quality of community service.Government,through issuing "subsidy vouchers", to buy public service achievements,but also encourage staffs that have difficulty in employment to self-employment through the social relationships, entrepreneurship or other forms.2.Shanghai association items in the millions of people employment projects could be considered for changing into the third sector in the social governance,which is the public organizations in terms of international standards and also named non-profit organizations(NPO)or non-governmental organizations(NGO).Government should extricate themselves from directly providing specific public goods and public services but commit themselves to the public policies establishment and public services sectors supervision and policies intendance.This is also the development direction of China’s other social welfare institutions in the future.3.To change the government functions,to improve the innovation mechanism and strengthen the internal management through consummating the supporting mechanism,to establish the double-sides accountability mechanisms,and to establish supporting legal protection system are the focus of the work for the development of nonprofit labor organizations in the future.

  • 【分类号】F249.2;D632.9
  • 【下载频次】196

