

The Study on Consummating China Civil Servants Gua Zhi Duan Lian

【作者】 吴学敏

【导师】 陈爱平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 公务员挂职锻炼是我国20世纪90年代公务员法制化进程中的一项重要内容,旨在培养锻炼公务员。公务员挂职锻炼在实践工作中取得了显著的成效,极大的推进了新录用公务员和中青年干部的培养和成长,成为了我国政府部门人力资源开发的重要途径。但与此同时,我国公务员挂职锻炼也存在一些亟待完善的地方。公务员法实施以来,围绕公务员录用、培训、考核制度的研究颇多,而对交流制度中的挂职锻炼的研究却甚少涉及。研究我国公务员挂职锻炼是具有重要的理论意义和现实意义的。本文利用人力资源开发理论,从理论和实践方面,对我国挂职锻炼进行了梳理和分析,针对挂职锻炼工作中存在的问题,提出了自己的对策建议。本文由五部分组成。第一章,绪论。对选题的缘起和目的、研究现状做了介绍并对相关的概念做了界定;第二章,挂职锻炼是我国政府部门人力资源开发的有效途径。挂职锻炼的目的是开发政府部门人力资源,它体现了政府部门人力资源开发的特点,在培养锻炼初任公务员和中青年干部方面发挥着重要的作用;第三章,我国公务员挂职锻炼的发展。分析了我国公务员挂职锻炼发展的三个阶段,并对挂职锻炼在各级政府部门中的实践工作情况加以介绍;第四章,挂职锻炼工作中出现的问题。主要从法律法规制度、挂职锻炼派出单位、挂职锻炼接收单位以及挂职人员几个方面分析了挂职锻炼工作中存在的问题。第五章,完善我国公务员挂职锻炼的对策。这些建议包括:建立健全法律法规体系,使挂职锻炼有法可依、有章可循:利用人力资源开发过程理论和政府部门人力资源开发流程图分析我国公务员挂职锻炼,视挂职锻炼为系统工程;进行以人为本的需求分析与科学全面的统筹规划;实施科学选拔、进行跟踪管理、注重思想教育;强化对挂职人员的绩效考核;妥善处理安置工作,为挂职人员解除后顾之忧。

【Abstract】 Gua Zhi Duan Lian means organization delegates a cadre to another organization and appoints a temporary position. In 1990s, Gua Zhi Duan Lian plays an important role in Civil Servant Legal System. Its aim is training and cultivating civil servants. Gua Zhi Duan Lian much has been accomplished in this regard. It serves as a powerful support and impetus to the cadre pullulation. And it has become a significant and effective way to develop government human resource development. However, there are some problem about Gua Zhi Duan Lian. So we need to think about how to consummate it. Since the implementation of the Civil Servant Law, scholar paid much attention to civil servants employment, training and evaluation. However, there is few research on exchange. In fact, it is very important to do some research the exchange, especially on Gua Zhi Duan Lian.Author trys to analyse Gua Zhi Duan Lian with government human resource development theory, and brought forward a new proposal to consummate Gua Zhi Duan Lian. This paper contains 5 parts. Chapter 1 is the brief narration includes the reason of the research, its purpose, internal research status and the definition of the keyword in this dissertation. Chapter 2 try to prove the Gua Zhi Duan Lian is one of the most efficient ways to develop government human resource. The author takes the new hire and cadre for example. And show how dose Gua Zhi Duan Lian develop the government human resource. Chapter 3 mainly shows the history and status quo of Gua Zhi Duan Lian. And cite some example to explain the developing procedure. Chapter 4 shows the issues in the Gua Zhi Duan Lian in real life and finds out why does it happen. Chapter 5, according to the reasons of the problem, the author trys to give some suggestion to settle them. The author suggests set up the system for the Gua Zhi Duan Lian base on the theory of Government Human Resource Development.

  • 【分类号】D630.3
  • 【下载频次】579

