

Analysis on Causes of High School Biology Underachievement and Research of Countermeasures

【作者】 黄宇宏

【导师】 陆建身;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 高中生物学课程旨在提高学生生物科学素养。因此,加强生物学教学至关重要。然而,在生物学教学中,几乎所有学校都存在生物学学业不良的高中生,这严重影响了整体教学质量的提高。为了促进全体学生全面发展,有必要对高中生生物学学业不良的成因以及由此导致的学生心理健康问题进行分析,并在此基础上提出相应对策,这符合新课程面向全体学生的理念。本研究从理论出发,结合实际探索引起高中生生物学学业不良的原因,并在此基础之上提出解决这一问题的途径,以期对高中生物学教学产生良好的推动作用。本文通过文献研究,从学业不良概念界定、国内外研究现状分析、学业不良的鉴别、学业不良成因、学业不良对策几个方面进行了理论研究,为高中生生物学学业不良的研究提供借鉴。本文主要通过问卷调查法,以上海市的六所中学,包括三所示范性高中、两所普通高中和一所职业高中的三个年级共406名学生作为研究对象,对高中生生物学学业不良情况进行了调查,了解了高中生生物学学业不良的现状,对高中生生物学学业不良的成因了进行分析并提出高中生生物学学业不良的对策。通过研究,本文得出如下结论:(1)高中生物学学业不良现象在各类型学校、各年级都有发生,学业不良率按照示范性高中、普通高中、职业高中的顺序递减;按照高一年级、高二年级、高三年级的顺序递增。(2)高中生物学学业不良与学生的基本情况中的客观情况无关,而与基本情况中的学业背景当中韵某些方面有关;其成因有个人因素、环境因素和学科因素三方面,个人因素包括学习情况、学习动机、学习策略和学习态度四个部分;环境因素包括生活环境、师生关系和生生关系三个部分;学科因素是由生物学科的地位决定的。基于上述结论,本文提出以下对策:(1)改善生物学学习状况;(2)加强生物学学习动机;(3)改进生物学学习策略;(4)端正生物学学习态度;(5)创造良好的生活环境;(6)构建和谐的师生关系;(7)建立融洽的生生关系。

【Abstract】 The aim of high school biology curriculum is to enhance students’ biological science equipment. For this reason, it is crucial to strengthen biology instruction. However, nearly all schools exist biology under-achiever, seriously influencing upgrading the entire education quality. In order to promote overall development of the whole students, it is necessary to analyze the causes and students’ mental health trouble which is brought about by biology underachievement and bring up homologous Countermeasures based the analysis. The research accords with the new curriculum’s idea of facing the whole students. The research begins with the theory and explores the causes of high school biology underachievement practically. Moreover, the way based the exploration to solve the problem is advanced and the way is expected to produce fine further effect for high school biological education.According to the bibliography, the theory study is made from the aspects of the concept of underachievement, the present situation of research in and abroad, the appreciation of underachievement, the cause of underachievement and the Countermeasures of underachievement. The bibliography research offers reference for the research of high school biology underachievement.The questionnaire investigation is the main method. The investigation objects are 406 students from 6 high schools in Shanghai, including 3 exemplary high schools, 2 common high schools and 1 vocational high school. The circumstances of high school biology underachievement are investigated. The present situation of high school biology underachievement is known. The causes of high school biology underachievement is analyzed and the Countermeasures are brought up.The conclusions of the investigation are: (1) The phenomenon of high school biology underachievement appears in various schools and grades. The rate of high school biology underachievement decreases from exemplary high schools, common high schools to vocational high school and increases from grade 1, grade 2 to grade 3. (2) High school biology underachievement has nothing to do with students’ objective condition of basic condition and has something to do with some aspects of studies background. The causes of high school biology underachievement are personal factor, environment factor and subject factor. Study situation, study motive, study strategy and study attitude are involved in personal factor. Living environment, relationship between the teacher and the students, relationship between students are involved in environment factor. Subject factor is decided by the status of biology subject.From the investigation above, following strategies are brought out: (1) improve biology study situation; (2) enhance biology study motive; (3) reform biology study strategy; (4) correct biology study attitude; (5) create fine living environment; (6) build up intimate relationship between the teacher and the students; (7) establish companionate relationship between students.

【关键词】 高中生物学业不良成因对策
【Key words】 High school biologyUnderachievementCausesCountermeasures
  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】417

