

The Practical Research of Teacher’s Portfolio Assessment in County Class Party School

【作者】 戴敏

【导师】 胡东芳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 县级党校教师作为教师的一分子,承担着县内党员、干部教育培训的任务,其专业发展的层次与水平却存在着很多问题,在教育实践中党校教师常常被看作是特殊群体,工作较为轻松,受政策面影响较大。教师的工作成果得不到应有的肯定,教师的工作积极性得不到调动,不利于教师的专业发展。造成上述问题的原因虽然很多,但是通过以江苏省S县级党校为个案的调查研究发现其中最重要的原因是教师的评价模式不利于教师的专业发展,容易导致教师的倦怠心理。而解决问题的关键在于改变传统的党校教师的评价方式,实施档案袋评价。县级党校教师档案袋评价指的是提供给教师一定的时间,让教师自己制作档案袋,通过档案袋,展现自身的工作成果,促进教师的反思,实现多元评价方式的结合,促进县级党校教师的专业发展。从党校的工作实际出发,将党校教师档案袋的内容分为个人党性分析档案袋、教学档案袋、学习档案袋和成果展示档案袋。为了达到档案袋评价的真正功能,对实施评价时所用的方法进行了探讨,采用讨论会、面谈法、出题目、书面评价法等方法,对教师构建的档案袋进行评价,实现评价对象的多元互动。县级党校教师实施档案袋评价有其良好的现实基础,即县级党校教师对建立合理的评价体系有迫切的需要以及县级党校教师的数量少、工作时间有弹性等特点构成了县级党校教师开展档案袋评价的有利条件。同时,也存在着一定的需要在今后实践中进一步予以克服的困难,即教师在制作档案袋时内容的真实性问题的鉴别,教师档案袋编制的质量的标准的确定,教学反思与教学行为的磨练之间关系的摆正以及档案袋评价与奖惩制度之间的关系协调等问题。完善县级党校档案袋评价的对策是:处理好新旧老师之间的差异、增加形成性评价,给予教师成长的机会。在进行实践研究的过程中尽力实现他评与自评的结合,让教师在评价的过程中感受到了评价的公平合理,增进参与评价的意识,促进教师。真正实现教师评价的激励、导向等功能。

【Abstract】 As part of teacher, teachers from county class party school, undertake the training of party member inside the county. There are many issues for their professional development. They are recognized as a special community. They work more easily and are influenced more by government policy . Their work achievements are not recognized by other people, and their working attitude is not activated. These problems hold back the professional development by teachers. There are many reasons causing the current situation. However, through the study and research of S county class party school in Jiangsu province, it is found the most important reason for the current situation is the evaluation mechanism of teachers. Evaluation mechanism holds back the professional development of teachers, and cause teacher’s mental nonfeasance. One solution to solve the problems of the current evaluation mechanism is to change the traditional evaluation mechanism, and establish the portfolio assessment evaluation mechanism.Portfolio Assessment of county class party school means to provide teachers certain time to allow the teachers to prepare the portfolio, and through portfolio let the teachers to show their working achievement, make teachers to ponder about their performance in order to achieve multi-dimension evaluation and enhance the professional development of teachers from county class party school. From the actual requirements of work of county class party school, the portfolio can be classified to: party character analysis portfolio, teaching portfolio, study portfolio and achievement portfolio. In order to achieve the real purpose of Portfolio Assessment, this paper analyzed the methods applicable when performs the evaluation. The methods contain the discussion meeting, face to face discussion and etc. Through those methods, achieve the multi-dimension evaluation.There are goods foundations to apply the Portfolio Assessment among the county class party school, i.e. there are demands from the county class party school for the evaluation mechanism, relative less workload of teachers from county class party school and flexible work time constitute the basis to apply the Portfolio Assessment. Meanwhile, there are still issues to consider when applying the Portfolio Assessment. The truth of the content of Portfolio needs to be examined, the quality of Portfolio needs to be controlled, the relation between reconsidering teaching, the teaching behavior and the rewards and punishment should be balanced.The measures to perfect the Portfolio Assessment of county class party school are: deal with the differences between new and old teacher properly, enhance the purpose of assessment and provide teacher with opportunity to improve; combine the self-evaluation with evaluation by other people in the actual research process, let teacher know the reasonableness of evaluation and enhance the participation of teacher and reconsider of teacher. Through the above measures, accelerate the professional development of teachers, achieve the encourage and orientation function of evaluation.

  • 【分类号】D261.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】165

