

On Conflict and Protection of Public Interest and Private Interest

【作者】 赵奕

【导师】 钱品石;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 公共利益与个人利益是一对永恒的矛盾,它们的冲突存在于社会生活的方方面面,在城市规划领域尤其突出。城市建设发展管理是城市政府的一项重要职能,我国宪法和法律赋予了中央和地方人民政府领导和管理城市发展建设的职权,城市规划又是城市发展建设工作的重要环节,由政府及其城市规划行政主管部门根据法律、法规授权行使城市规划行政管理职能。本文将以城市规划的制定和实施为例,研究城市规划中的公共利益与个人利益的冲突,分析发生冲突的原因,提出解决问题的思路。本文共分为四部分。第一部分完成对城市规划中公共利益的界定。通过分析城市规划的基本特点和法律性质,从城市规划制定时公共利益的判断基准和城市规划实施中公共利益的判断路径两方面着手,对城市规划中的公共利益做出界定。第二部分论证公共利益与个人利益的关系。公共利益与个人利益之间既存在统一性,又充满斗争性。在城市规划中,两者的冲突主要体现两方面:第一,城市规划变更对相对人造成的行政信赖利益的影响;第二,合法生效但内容不科学的规划的实施对个人利益造成的侵害。第三部分详细分析了城市规划中公共利益与相对人个人利益冲突的原因,指出在城市规划中出现公共利益与个人利益的冲突的原因在于公共利益概念的模糊,容易导致行政目标介入替代公共利益,而最根本的原因则是受行政行为合法性与合理性两大原则的调整,规划行政行为本身就具有合法绝对性与合理相对性的特点。第四部分提出解决冲突的思路。分析要加强保护个人利益的原因在于当冲突发生时,考虑到现有法律条件下公共利益得不到补偿,规划行政主体必将把公共利益置于优先地位,因此必须加强对相对人个人利益的保护。在现有法律条件下,个人利益的保护还可以有其它思路,如形成公共参与机制,通过扩大公众参与的广度与深度,在规划制定阶段事前解决潜在利益冲突问题;除了行政复议和行政诉讼手段外,建议给予一定的自力救济权和充分发挥信访的功用等。

【Abstract】 Conflict between the public interest and private interest is existed in our society, especially in the field of city planning. City’s administrative management is one of the local government’s main functions, which is fully authorized by the Constitution and laws. City planning is important for city’s development and city’s administrative management. A study on the formulation and implementation of city planning is given to makes a detailed analyse on the conflict between public interest and private interest.There are four parts in the thesis.Part one: Definition of public interest in city planning. Firstly, give a general idea of city planning and its basic features and legal characteristics. Secondly, give a definition of public interest in city planning through two ways: judgment standard in the formulation of city planning and means in the implementation of city planning.Part two: Relation between public interest and private interest. Unification and contradiction are the features of relation between public interest and private interest. The following two facets mainly show the conflict of public interest and private interest in city planning: one is about the trust interest loss of the private parties which is resulted for city planning readjustments; the other is about the effective but unreasonable city planning.Part three: Reasons of the conflicts between public interest and private interest in city planning. There are three reasons for that: firstly, public interest is the inkling; secondly, administrative goal always substitute the public interest; thirdly, administrative action is under the lead of two principles, validity and rationality, and so is city planning.Part Four: Solutions for the conflict. Firstly, give the reason why to search extra ways to protect private interest when they are in the conflict. Secondly, give some ideas on how to enlarge the ways to protect private interest, including public participation, the private relief as well as letters and visits.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】670

