

Research on the USA’s Practice of Business-Education Partnership in TVET

【作者】 苏俊玲

【导师】 石伟平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国上上下下对职业教育非常重视,国家加大投入,地方配合宣传,但尽管如此,职业教育仍然被诸如经费、生源、师资等许多问题所困扰,其发展道路成为许多职教工作者关心的话题。需要明确的是,现阶段我国职业教育选择路径,不仅是规模性的大发展,更是结构性的内涵发展和质量的提升,而“校企合作”正是职业教育发展的根本“路径依赖”。本文针对“校企合作”这一问题,采用文献研究、调查研究、比较研究、个案研究等多种研究方法,试图从校企合作的理论与实践两方面出发,为我国新形势下职业教育如何为经济建设培养更多更好技能型人才提出一些建设性的意见。论文聚焦职业教育的规律和活动本身,深入系统地分析了美国校企合作实施过程中所出现的合作教育计划、技术准备计划、青年学徒制、校企契约、赛扶(SIFE)计划、高级技术教育(ATE)计划以及职业教育集团办学等各种校企合作项目与形式,列举了多个美国校企合作案例,并在此基础上总结了美国校企合作的特点,包括其成功的原因,拓展空间以及合作方角色定位等,最后结合我国校企合作的现状与问题后提出了一些建议。本论文的具体框架如下:绪论部分介绍了研究缘起、目的与方法,进行了文献综述;第一章是校企合作的理论研究,包括校企合作的概念、内涵、基本特征、动因、意义、基本原则、理论依据以及一般过程;第二章分析了美国校企合作的时代背景与发展历程,列举了一些美国校企合作的模式并对其进行了深入的介绍与分析;第三章是美国职业教育校企合作的实例研究;第四章总结了美国校企合作的一些特点;第五章在阐述我国职业教育校企合作的时代背景与基本模式的基础上,针对我国校企合作的现状及问题,借鉴美国校企合作的经验与思想,提出了一些建议。由于资料的限制,加之笔者实践经验不足,水平有限,文中的一些表述还值得推敲,而提出的对策建议也还有待实践检验。

【Abstract】 Nowadays in China Vocational and Technical Education has been attached great importance. Both the state and local government have done a lot to it. However, problems such as financial support, low quality of students and teachers still exist. How to help our country’s VET develop in a healthy way is being concerned by most VET educators and other relative people. It should be pointed out that the appropriate path to develop Chinese vocational education is not only the scale and quantity of the development, but try to improve its quality and structural connotation. Business-education partnership is just the basis of the path.Aiming at this business-education problem, this paper has applied Literature Investigation, Interview, Comparative Research, Case Study and some other methods to analyze the Business-education Partnership in USA as well as in China. It might be helpful to improve the current situation of Chinese vocational and technical education so that it would contribute more to the social and economic development of China.This paper focuses on the laws and activities of vocational education. By in-depth analysis on the patterns, features and some relevant cases of business-education partnership in USA, associated with the current situation and some problems in Chinese business and education partnership, the paper gives some suggestions at last. The format of this paper is as follows:The introduction part introduces the reason, purpose and methodology of this research, and also makes a literature review; Chapter one is the theoretical research on business-education partnership; Chapter two analyzes the background, development and some patte(?)s of business-education partnership in USA; Chapter three is the case study; Chapter four summarizes the features of business-education partnership in USA; Chapter five introduces the basic information of business-education partnership in China and puts forward some suggestions.Due to the limitation of the reference materials, and the author’s lack of practical experience about vocational education, the accuracy of some statements in this paper is still needs to be improved. Besides, whether the suggestions are feasible or not should also be tested in the future work.

  • 【分类号】G719.712
  • 【被引频次】71
  • 【下载频次】6079

