

Researches on School-based Evaluation in Secondary Schools

【作者】 黄曦

【导师】 应俊峰;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着教育改革过程当中教育权力的下放,同时学校自身对于学校自主发展的意识增强,了我国中学的自主发展得到了有力的推动。在这个过程当中学校越来越多会涉及到自主的项目决策、在项目施行中的监测与及时调整、并对已实施项目进行总结与反馈等,需要有及时而有效的评估来作为基础。而教育评估的发展也越发强调价值协商与对话。这使得校本评估的出现是一种必然趋势。校本评估是个系统工程,其研究涉及很多方面,如校本评估的概念和范畴的界定、校本评估的方式方法等技术性研究、校本评估的过程等程序性研究、以及校本评估的标准等教育哲学意义上的思考等等。但是,鉴于校本评估在我国的研究才刚刚起步、所能依托的资料甚少,以及个人能力的有限,因此本文把范围锁定在中学,研究内容着重在分析借鉴国外研究成果的基础上,厘清校本评估的概念,阐释校本评估的内涵,并从管理学的角度对已有的其它地区和国家实施案例进行分析,从中提炼出中学实施校本评估的基础与条件,考察我国内地中学校本评估实施状况,最后对于校本评估实施从外部环境的营造与内部环境的构建两个方面提出了相关的建议。具体来说,第一章导论,是对于校本评估的研究意义的说明以及研究方案的阐述;第二章校本评估的理论基础,包括校本评估相关概念的厘清、校本评估理念的诠释;第三章校本评估实施的基础与条件分析:本章通过对挪威和我国台湾地区实行校本评估的两所中学进行个案研究,从中提炼出中学实施校本评估共同所需要的基础与条件;第四章我国中学校本评估的实施现状与分析:通过对我国中学校本评估实施现状描述,按照上一章所提炼的实施校本评估需要的基础与条件为框架,来分析我国中学实施校本评估有利因素与存在的问题;第五章是对于我国中学施行校本评估的建议,在外部支持环境的构建方面建议要强化以学校为本,尊重学校的自主发展,并提供充分技术支持,在内部环境的构建方面要强化学校自身对于自主发展意识,提高学校内部评估的质量,运用好校本评估的结果等相关的建议。本文采用了文献资料法、比较研究法。本文的创新之处在于厘清了校本评估与学校自我评估的异同;运用比较研究的方法从已有的其它地区和国家实施案例中提炼出中学实施校本评估的基础。

【Abstract】 With the education reform process of decentralization and increased desire of schools for self-development, the independent development of secondary schools has been impetus. In this process more and more schools will be involved in the independent decision-making, project monitoring and adjustment.., Timely and effective assessment is needed. Besides, the development of educational assessment more and more emphasize the value of consultation and dialogue. This makes the emergence of school-based assessment is an inevitable trend.This paper tries to explore the concept of school-based assessment and analyses the elements should be fulfilled when a school employing the school-based evaluation as a management tools. This paper has four parts: theoretical foundation of the school-based evaluation, the elements should be fulfilled when a school employing the school-based evaluation as a management tools, an analyses of the assessment in China’s primary and secondary schools, suggestions to implementation of school-based evaluation.Specifically, chapter one is introduction part, it clarifies the significance of school-based evaluation ; the second chapter is the theoretical basis of school-based evaluation, including the concept of school-based evaluation related, and clarifies interpretation of the concept of school-based assessment; chapter three point out the elements should be fulfilled when a school employ the school-based assessment as a management tools through the analysis of the two cases in secondary schools carrying out school-based evaluation needs of the foundation and conditions; Chapter four is the description and assessment of the status of implementation in China: in accordance with the previous chapter by refining the implementation of school-based assessment of needs and conditions, this chapter tries to analyze China’s secondary school-based assessment of the implementation of favorable factors and the existing problems; Chapter five is the proposal part, which suggest it should respect for the school’s self-development and to provide full technical support in the external environment, while strengthen the school for their own sense of self-development, improve the quality of schools internal assessment, make good use of school-based assessment results, and other related proposals.The innovation in this paper is to clarify the two concepts of school-based evaluation and school self-evaluation.

【关键词】 评估校本评估中学
【Key words】 evaluationschool-based evaluation (SBE)secondary schools
  • 【分类号】G637
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】199

