

Study on Mine Geographical Information System for Mine Rescue Robots

【作者】 桑玲玲

【导师】 贾建华;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 区别于以往的矿井管理系统,该矿山GIS系统主要是面向煤矿救援机器人。建立井下巷道空间数据库,实现图形与属性信息双向查询;建立巷道三维可视化模型,实现井下巷道三维场景模拟,研究空间信息三维可视化管理和分析方法;构建井下巷道的几何网络分析模型,实现巷道网络节点信息查询和机器人运行最佳路径分析。该矿山GIS系统主要用来指导煤矿机器人在救援过程中的定位导航,并实时对路径进行规划。文中重点分析以下几个关键技术:(1)井下巷道空间数据库建立:实现多源数据入库,显示一个多层结构的地图、地图的放大和缩小等基本浏览功能,进行图形数据和属性数据的交互查询,用于实时地图定位。并可根据机器人实时采集数据绘制图形元素如点、线、文字等功能。数据库以巷道为基础数据,并导入巷道导线点、工业广场、井筒、井田边界等与巷道密切相关的数据作为辅助信息,为井下巷道的路线选择提供充足的数据准备。(2)巷道几何网络分析模型构建:构建几何网络是井下巷道GIS系统的核心工作。重点在于网络结构的设计,本文中把巷道之间的分叉点作为网络节点,通过网络上连接要素建立网络规则。(3)三维可视化模型模拟与分析:由井下巷道空间数据库提供巷道导线点高程,建立井下各层面巷道体TIN表面。在三维空间中设置巷道基准高程时选择由表面获取要素图层的高程,即可快速建立三维巷道在三维场景中显示。(4)救援线路的分析与追踪:是基于井下巷道的几何网络特征和属性,针对煤矿机器人定位导航的路径规划条件进行分析并用于机器人实时救援。主要涉及与救援机器人定位相关的管理信息,并实现点击显示具体的位置信息,在调用已有数据库查询和分析时,获取当前位置事故现场场景以及瓦斯、粉尘浓度、温度、湿度等参数信息。

【Abstract】 Different from the former mine management system,the mine GIS system in this paper mainly faces the coal mine rescue robot. Firstly, it sets up spatial database of laneway and makes the inquiry between the graph and attribute come true; the establishment of model of the 3D visualization realizes the simulation of 3D and its management; finally the construction of the geometry network analysis model for laneway realizes the inquiry of the laneway and the optimal path analysis of the robot. The mine GIS system is mainly used as a guide in the mine rescue robot in the process of positioning, navigation and real-time route planning. This paper focuses on the following keys:(1) Construction of underground laneway spatial database: it makes muti-source data warehousing and muti-storey structure map that do zoom in or out and other basic functions come true. And it achieves data interactive enquiries between the graphs and attributes for real-time location. Based on the robots and real-time data acquisition, we can draw graphic elements such as points, lines, texts and others. The database is based on data of the laneway, and is loaded into industry square, shafts, mine border with the laneway closely related data as supplemental information for the underground laneway options for the provision of adequate data.(2) Model of laneway Geometric network analysis: It is the core of the mine GIS system, which builds the spatial database of underground laneway and established the geometric network in accordance with the flow chart. The focus is the design of the network structure which puts the network nodes as bifurcations and builds the network rules.(3) 3D visualization and analysis of model: It establishes the TIN surface for all levels of underground laneway according to lead elevations in the spatial database. Set in three-dimensional space in the roadway elevation benchmarks access to the selection of elements from the surface layers of elevation can be quickly set up a three-dimensional scene of roadway in 3D display.(4) Analysis and trace for Succor circuitry: the underground laneway is based on the geometric characteristics and attributes of the network, in view of the coal mine robot path planning positioning navigation conditions for the analysis and real-time rescue robot. It mainly involves rescue robot localization and related management information, and to achieve click on specific location information in the database has been called query and analysis, access to the scene of the accident scene and the location of the gas and dust concentration, temperature, humidity, and other parameters.

  • 【分类号】P208;TD774
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】417

