

Study on the Rule of Ground Movement and Deformation in Steep Coal Seam Mining of Urumchi Mining Area

【作者】 贺林

【导师】 王贵荣;

【作者基本信息】 西安科技大学 , 地质工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 乌鲁木齐矿区是我国最大的开采急倾斜煤层的矿区,矿区在经历长达几十年的地下急倾斜开采后,地表塌陷坑、开裂随处可见,且随着深部煤层的不断开采,这些塌陷处于非稳定状态,仍以突发性间歇性活动方式延续和扩展,生活在矿区及矿区周边的人们深受其害。因此,对乌鲁木齐矿区开采沉陷规律研究与地表沉陷预计迫在眉睫。急倾斜煤层地下开采与水平煤层或缓倾斜煤层开采引起的地表移动变形规律不同。在影响急倾斜煤层开采地表移动变形的众多因素中,煤层倾角变化是其中主要的影响因素之一。本文以乌鲁木齐矿区为例,基于倾角变化,选取最具典型代表性的铁厂沟煤矿(45°)、六道湾煤矿(65°)及碱沟煤矿(84°)为数值模拟计算原型,建立了煤层倾角分别为45°、65°及84°的2-D有限元模型,运用ANSYS有限元软件研究了水平分段放顶煤采煤方法条件下,随急倾斜煤层倾角变化地下开采引起的上覆岩层位移和应力的变化规律。研究表明,随着煤层倾角的增大,地表移动变形值逐渐减小,煤层倾角变化对地表移动变形的影响呈现逐渐减弱趋势。利用VB语言开发了急倾斜煤层开采沉陷预计系统。该系统能够完成在一定的地质与采矿条件下,急倾斜煤层开采倾向主断面非充分采动情况下的地表下沉、倾斜、曲率、水平移动及水平变形等五种地表移动变形预测数据,还能输出主断面上的地表各移动变形的预测曲线图,自动计算各地表移动变形最大值与最小值,输出倾向主断面上任意点的地表移动变形值,也能对整个采煤沉陷过程进行动态模拟,输出地表移动变形动态曲线。该系统既可以输出预计结果数据,又可以输出模拟曲线,具有直观、实用的特点。实例验证表明,本系统预计准确性较高,具有一定的实用价值。

【Abstract】 Urumchi mining area is the largest steep coal seam mining area in China. The surface collapse and the cracking can be found everywhere in the mining area after steep coal seams mining for several dozen years. The collapse is under the unsteady-state situation. It develops and continues by the ways of sudden and intermittent activities along with depth portion coal bed unceasing mining. People lived in the mining areas and the near areas have suffered severe damage in the accident. Therefore, studying on the surface subsidence rule and prediction of Urumchi mining area is quite urgent.The subsidence law of steep coal seams mining is very difference from flat coal seams mining or gently inclined seams mining. The coal seams inclination angle change in which multitudinous influence factors has become one of primary factors affecting the steep coal seam mining which ground displacement and deformation. This paper takes the Urumqi mining area as the example of study and bases on the inclination angle change. Selecting the Tiechanggou mine field(45°) , Liudaowan mine field(65°) and Jiangou mine field(84°) as the numerical simulation prototype of the most typical representative mine field of Urumchi mining area. Respectively building the two-dimensional finite element model with the coal inclination angle of 45°,65°and 84°,and researching the overburden strata stress and the displacement variation law of underground mining caused by steep coal seam inclination angle changing in case of the horizontal section top-coal caving with the ANSYS finite element software. According to the result of the research, with the increase of coal seam angle, the ground movement and deformation values decreased gradually, and the influence also becomes weak slowly.This paper designs the steep coal seam mining subsidence prediction system with the VB. The system can predict the five dates of surface movement and deformation such as surface subsidence, slant, curvature, level movement and level deformation. And outputting the every ground displacement and deformation prediction curve of inclination main section, and calculating automatically the maximum and minimum of ground displacement and deformation. At the same time it can output the ground displacement and deformation values of any point on the inclination main section. Furthermore the system can simulate dynamically the entire mining subsidence developing process, and output the dynamical curve of ground displacement and deformation. The system can output the dates of prediction result, but also output the prediction curve, with intuitive and practical features. A practical example shows that the system has the higher accuracy and a certain practical value.

  • 【分类号】TD325.2
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】567

