

The Planning and Design on Village of New Countryside in Cold Region

【作者】 张锐

【导师】 车代弟;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 村容村貌代表新农村的形象,是新农村建设成功与否的标志之一。在新农村建设的二十字方针中,“村容整洁”是其内容之一,如何以整洁的村容、优美的环境、鲜明的乡村特色、浓郁的乡土气息建设好社会主义新农村,己成为下一阶段的一项重要任务。无论从城市到乡村,人居环境的改善始终是为人们所关注的话题。作为人居环境建设的一部分,乡村景观的规划与设计一直是人居环境改善的一个重要环节。但是,在乡村景观规划加快前进的同时,许多乡村不考虑实际条件,盲目追求景观效果,造成改造的不合理,形成资源浪费,也有一部分乡村的规划出现了千村一面的现象等等。尤其是地处寒地的乡村地区,盲目的照搬别处的景观,造成了景观设计的不合理现象,严重阻碍了寒地乡村景观的发展。因此,如何因地制宜的建设寒地乡村景观,使之成为遵循寒地规划原则的并且充分体现寒地乡土特色的、生态的、环境优美的、又具有现代感的社会主义寒地新农村成为本文研究的主要内容。本文通过理论研究与调查分析相结合的方法开展对寒地乡村景观规划与设计的研究。首先,在理论研究阶段,分别对国内外的乡村景观规划理论与寒地城市规划理论进行探讨,并将二者理论相结合,形成寒地乡村景观规划理论构思。同时,对寒地乡村景观的实地现状调查,针对乡村宅院景观、寒地乡村道路交通景观、活动场所景观、绿化景观、以及乡村历史文化特色的保护与开发、乡土特色的挖掘与保留等,对黑龙江省五常市凤凰山村和黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇进行实地调查,并结合调查问卷,提出寒地乡村景观存在的问题和可开发利用的景观优势。其次,将理论构思与调查分析结果相融合,提出寒地乡村景观规划与设计的方法并做出实例例证。通过研究,本文得出以下结论:1.通过问卷调查得出,村民对寒地乡村景观规划的重视度欠缺,并且盲目追随城市景观,忽视自身优势。2.建立以乡村聚落景观、乡村绿地景观和乡村旅游景观资源为内容的寒地乡村景观规划的框架,提出乡村聚落规划,点——住区景观规划、线——道路系统景观规划、面——广场及活动空间景观规划的规划体系。3.提出乡村绿地系统的分类,将寒地乡村绿地系统主要划分为公共绿地、生产绿地、自然绿地、附属绿地、防护绿地五个类别。同时通过不同的绿地规划模式,点状+块状+线状绿地规划模式、块状+带状绿地规划模式、楔形+块状绿地规划模式,以及将三种对策相结合的综合绿地规划模式对各个类别绿地进行规划。4.将防寒措施融入到寒地乡村景观规划中去,确定了寒地乡村住宅的合理朝向,风向为北风时,住宅朝向为北偏东60度和北偏西60度方向最佳。确定了活动空间的防风布局,以“L”型背对北风布局为最佳。5.植物配植上运用色彩搭配、树形搭配以及季相搭配的配植方法,改善了寒地乡村冬季景观的萧条。同时,还加强了建筑景观的色彩设计,从色彩上丰富了寒地乡村景观。

【Abstract】 Village appearance represents the image of the new countryside,which is one of the symbols that building a new socialist countryside successful or not.In "the countreside accommodates neatly" is one of the twenty words policy of the new countryside reconstruction. It has became an important task in the next stage that how to construct the good socialism new countryside which has the neat countreside accommodates,the exquisite environment,the bright countryside characteristic,the rich local breath.Whatever the city or the countreside,the improvement of the environment people lived is throughout the topic which pays attention to the people.As a part of the environment construction,the countreside landscape plan and design is always an important link of the environment improvement.But,while the countreside landscape plan speeds up,some malpractices also appeared.Many eountresides did not consider the actual condition,pursued the landscape effect constantly,created the transformation not to be unreasonable,formed the resources waste,and also appeared machine-made countreside and so on.Especially the countreside area in cold region copied landscape blindly,which resulted in unreasonable phenomenon of the landscape design.It has seriously hindered development of the countreside landscape at the cold place.Therefore it becomes the primary coverage this article studied that how to construct countreside landscape acting as circumstances permit,how to make it follow the plans principle of cold place and manifest the local characteristic,the ecological,the environment exquisite new socialism countreside in cold region of which also has the modern feeling.This text,with investigating and analysing the method to combine together through the theoretical research to begin to the research of the planning of countreside landscape in cold region.At first,at the stage of heoreticai research,carry on research to countreside landscaping theory and urban planning theory coldly both at domestic and abroad separately,then combine the two theory to take the shape of the theory of countreside landscape in cold region.At the same time,investigate to the current situation on the spot of the countreside landscape in cold region.Includ the view of rural house,the view of the rural road traffic,the view of public,the view of afforestation and the protect and develop of the culture and history,the kept of the character of native soi.Then survey on the spot and analysis of Feng Huang hill countreside of Wu Chang and Ai Hui town of Hei He.Combine the questionnaire,put forward the existing problem of the rural view coldly and the advantage of develop the view utilized.After that, merge to the conceive the theory and investigate the analysis,put forward the countreside landscaping and method to design in cold region.Through to the research,this article draws following conclusion: 1.Appear through questionnaire investigation,villagers are short of attention degree of the coldly rural landscaping and follow the cityscape blindly,ignore their own advantage.2.Building a framework of cold rural-area landscaping,with contents of rural settlling, green-area and touring landscaps and thereby a design of rural settlement can be done. Spot-inhabiting area landscape planning,line-trafic road landscape planning,surface-public squares and acitivity spaces landscape planning.3.It is suggested countreside green-area system should be classified into five catogries-public, productive,natural,surrounding and protective green areas.Meanwhile,grenn-area planning method,including spot+piece+line,piece+strip,and wedge-shape+piece,together with the application of the sythesized pinning method of the three sub-method into different kinds of green areas in cold rural regions.4.To determine the proper direction the tenements should toward in those cold countreside regions,the house has the best for north 60 degrees and N by W and 60 degrees in the east orientation.It is the best that the type faces away from the north wind overall arrangement with" L" of the wind-prevention arrangements of activity spaces.5.Plant worthy of,use color collocate,worthy of methodding of planting tree-like to collpcate and collocate season plant,have improved the depression of the view of winter in the village coldly.Meanwhile,the color that also strengthened the view of the building was designed, enriched the rural view coldly from color.


