

Effects of the Immune Function and Endocrine of Dermatomycosis in Cows

【作者】 常虹

【导师】 刘云;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 临床兽医学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 皮肤真菌病是由皮肤真菌引起的一种以脱毛、鳞屑为特征的慢性、局部表在性的真菌性皮肤炎,俗称为钱癣。本病呈世界性流行,因其传染性强,在舍饲奶牛场,由于饲养管理不当,极易造成多数牛被感染发病,并且通过病牛也易引起人的感染。故在公共卫生上应予以重视。引起皮肤真菌病发生的原因很多,如抗生素、皮质激素和免疫抑制剂等药物的广泛使用,均可导致本病的发生。近年来我国奶牛皮肤真菌病的发病率呈上升趋势。牛感染皮肤真菌后,其生长发育会受到严重影响同时也会造成奶源的严重污染。目前国内外对皮肤真菌病发生研究多集中在病原菌的研究。对机体抗皮肤真菌感染的免疫反应及内分泌功能的影响的研究很少,试验从病原的分离鉴定,患病牛体内免疫内分泌变化及影响探讨皮肤真菌病的致病机理。从而为皮肤真菌病的防治提供理论依据。实验从黑龙江省部分奶牛场患皮肤真菌感染的病牛采取皮肤被毛病料,并从静脉采血制成血涂片,分离血清。用沙保氏培养基等进行病原菌分离培养。对血液进行血常规、酯酶染色阳性T淋巴细胞的检测以及瑞氏染色对白细胞进行分类计数。实验选用酶联免疫吸附试验对血清中的M-CSF、CD4、CD8含量进行了检测。应用放射免疫法对血清中IL-2、IL-6、T3、T4进行检测。应用免疫比浊法对血清中的IgG、IgM、IgA含量进行检测。实验结果证明,导致奶牛皮肤真菌感染的主要致病菌为疣状毛癣菌。感染真菌性皮肤病的患牛体内嗜中性粒细胞、单核细胞、淋巴细胞数量与健康牛相比,显著升高,其他血液学指标变化不明显。血液中M-CSF水平,CD8水平显著升高,与对照组相比,差异显著(P<0.05)。CD4/CD8比值降低,与对照组比较差异显著(P<0.05)。免疫球蛋白的含量IgG实验组明显高于对照组,IgM、IgA无明显变化。通过甲状腺素T3、T4水平检测表明,患病牛T4水平明显升高,T3含量无明显变化。从上述结果可以证明,患皮肤真菌病牛体内,体液、内分泌免疫系统发生了一定的变化。在抗真菌感染的过程中既存在特异性免疫反应,又存在非特异性免疫反应。同时,机体也存在免疫失衡,内分泌紊乱等现象。

【Abstract】 Dermatomycosis was chronic, local mycotic dertmatitis caused by dermatophytes with characteristics of depilating, scaling, commonly referred to as“Ringworm”. The cows were easily to be infected because of its worldwide and strong infectious, especially in the dairy farm with poor management. Human beings also could be infected by contacting with the cows so we should pay more attention in the public health. There were many factors to cause the disease such as improper use of antibiotics, corticosteroids and immunodepressant. The incidence of dermatomycosis was increased in China in recent years. The growth of the cow would be seriously affected and the milk would cause serious contaminated with the disease.Studies of pathogens were concentrated for the dermatomycoses at home and overseas nowadays. Studies on the immune response and endocrine function of anti-fungal infection were fewer. Pathogenesis mechanisms were investigated by the isolation and identification of pathogens and the studies of endocrine function and immune response to provide theoretical basis and the prevention and treatment for the dermatomycosis.Samples were collected from the sick cows in Heilongjiang Province dairy farm and the blood smear and serum were got at same time. Samples were cultured in Sabouraud medium for isolation and purification. Blood was analysised by general method and leukocyte classification by Wright staining. T lymphocytes were detected by esterase staining. The CD4, CD8, M-CSF, contents in serum were detected by ELISA and the IL-2, IL-6, T3, T4 were detected by RIA. IgG, IgM, IgA levels were detected by turbidimetric method.The results showed that verrucous Trichophyton mentagrophytes was the main pathogens for cow dermatophytosis. The neutrophil, monocyte, and lymphocyte were significantly high in the sick cows and other hematological indicators did not change significantly.M-CSF and CD8 levels in the blood had significant difference (P <0.05). CD4/CD8 ratio was significant lower to compare with the control (P<0.05). IgG in the experimental group was significantly higher, IgM, IgA no significant changes.Thyroxine T3 and T4 were detected and showed the T4 levels were significantly increased in the sick cows while T3 without significant change.It was suggested from above that body fluids, endocrine and immune system had changed in sick cows. There were both specific immune response and non-specific immune response in the cows with fungal infection. There were also immune imbalance and endocrine disorder when the cows had fungal infection.

【关键词】 奶牛皮肤真菌病免疫反应内分泌
【Key words】 Cowdermatomycosisimmune reactionendocrine

