

The Reproductive Biology of Six Kinds Plants of Rosaceae

【作者】 孙婷婷

【导师】 胡宝忠;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 植物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 蔷薇科(Rosaceae)是双子叶植物纲经济价值较高的一个大科,该科许多植物可作观赏,在世界各地的庭园绿化中占重要的位置,另外该科中有些植物可入药,具有药用价值,同时许多种是著名的水果,有许多优良品种,在世界各地普遍栽培。本试验通过对金山绣线菊、珍珠绣线菊、黄刺玫、金老梅、毛樱桃和山里红这六种植物扦插繁殖和种子繁殖进行研究,利用传统的石蜡切片技术对其扦插生根过程与种子生根过程进行解剖学的比较研究,了解其生根规律,意在探索简便易行的繁殖方法,对大规模进行引种栽培提供技术参考,对满足市场需求具有重要的实践意义。研究结果如下:1.六种蔷薇科植物嫩枝扦插在激素种类、浓度以及浸泡时间三种因素交互作用下,成活率最高为金老梅,在50mg/L ABT1处理20 min达到93.33%,其次为金山绣线菊,100mg/L ABT1处理5 min达到91.67%,黄刺玫在200mg/L ABT1处理10 min达到66.67%,毛樱桃在50mg/LNAA处理5 min达到58.33%,珍珠绣线菊在在200mg/L ABT1处理10 min达到33.33%,最难生根的为山里红,扦插40d未见生根。金山绣线菊、珍珠绣线菊、黄刺玫以中段插条做插穗成活率最高,金老梅、毛樱桃、山里红以上部插条做插穗成活率最高。金山绣线菊、珍珠绣线菊、山里红最佳成活的基质为珍珠岩:蛭石:草炭土(1:1:1),黄刺玫、金老梅在珍珠岩中成活率最高,毛樱桃在蛭石中成活率最高;2.六种蔷薇科植物种子发芽的研究表明:金老梅种子在室温下GA3500ppm处理后7d即可发芽,发芽率最高可达96.33%,其次为毛樱桃在低温层积三个月后,GA3300ppm处理发芽率可达93.33%,金山绣线菊与珍珠绣线菊在低温下GA3500ppm处理后20d后发芽率分别为20.00%和13.33%,黄刺玫在低温层积三个月后发芽率为13.00%,山里红在低温层积三个月后发芽率仍为0;3.六种蔷薇科植物嫩枝扦插时在生根时间上金老梅生根最快为20d,为皮部生根型,排列方式为轮状;山里红40d只长愈伤,未见生根;金山绣线菊和珍珠绣线菊两者生根时间都为30d,生根类型为皮部,排列方式为散生;黄刺玫为愈伤组织生根,40d生根,排列方式为轮状;毛樱桃30d后生根,为中间生根型,排列方式为轮状;4.六种蔷薇科植物都为诱发根原始体,根原基形成的时间不同,外部形态特征和其内部解剖学特征是对应的,金山绣线菊和珍珠绣线菊根原基产生部位都为维管射线细胞与形成层交叉处;黄刺玫为愈伤组织,金老梅根原基产生部位为形成层;毛樱桃既有产生于愈伤组织,又有产生于形成层;山里红愈伤组织产生于形成层和皮层薄壁细胞。六种植物除山里红未生根外,其它五种不定根的维管柱类型为:金山绣线菊和珍珠绣线菊都为二原型,黄刺玫为三原型,金老梅为四原型,毛樱桃为五原型;5.金山绣线菊、珍珠绣线菊和金老梅种子类型为无胚乳种子,胚为直立型,根的维管柱类型也都为二原型;黄刺玫和毛樱桃为有胚乳种子,胚为弯曲型,根为四原型;山里红为有胚乳种子,根为三原型。

【Abstract】 Rosaceae is Dicotyledoneae of higher economic value of a large branch. Many plants of Rosaceae which can be used for viewing in the garden of green around the world occupy an important position. In addition, some plants have medicinal value, the others are famous fruits, which are cultivated all over the world.Through the research on cutting reproduction and seed reproduction of Spiraea bumalda、Spiraea thunbergii、Rosa xanthina、Potentilla fruticosa.、Prunus tomentosa and Crataegus pinnatifida six kinds of Rosaceae, the comparative research of anatomy was conducted on cutting root processing and seed root processing by traditional paraffin sections technology,to find out its rooting rule and explore simple and convenient reproduction methods, which introduce and propagate the large-scale provision of technical information to meet the market demand is important practical significance. The results are as follows:1. The green shoot cutting of Six Rosaceae plants interact in the hormone type, concentration and immersion time, Potentilla fruticosa has the highest survivaling rate in the 50 mg / L ABT1 for 20 minutes to 93.33%, followed by Spiraea bumalda in 100mg / L ABT1 for 5 minutes to 91.67%,and 200 mg / L ABT1 for 10 minutes to 66.67% for Rosa xanthina, the 50 mg / L NAA for 5 minutes to 58.33% for Prunus tomentosa, 200 mg / L ABT1 for 10 minutes to 33.33% for Spiraea thunbergii, Rooting the hardest for Crataegus pinnatifida , no rooting cuttings 40 days;2. Six Rosaceae plants seed germination researches show that The Potentillafruticosa GA3 500ppm seeds at room temperature for 7 days after germination can reach the germination rate of up to 96.33%;This was followed by Prunus tomentosa cold stratification in the three months after GA3 300ppm handle up to 93.33% germination rate; Spiraea bumalda and Spiraea thunbergii at low temperature GA3 500ppm after 20 days after germination rates were 20.00% and 13.33%; Rosa xanthina cold stratification in the three months after germination rate of 13.00%, in the cold stratification Crataegus pinnatifida three months after germination rate remains at 0;3. In rooting time of six Rosaceae plants’green shoot cutting, the Potentilla fruticosa is the fastest for 20 days with the round-shaped arrangement of the skin; Crataegus pinnatifida produce callus for 40 days long and no roots; Spiraea bumalda and Spiraea thunbergii the rooting time are all for 30 days, rooting type is skin rooting, arrangement way is dispersing lives; Rosa xanthina is callus rooting, the rooting time is for 40 days, arrangement way is annular; Prunus tomentosa is for 30 days, rooting type is middle rooting,arrangement way is annular; 4. Six Rosaceae plants are all induced root priodmia, the form time of induced root priodmia is different, the external features characteristic and internal anatomical were corresponding. Spiraea bumalda and Spiraea thunbergii root priodmia are induced between vascular beam cell and cambium; Rosa xanthina is induced from callus, Potentilla fruticosa is induced from cambium, Prunus tomentosa is induced from callus or cambium;Crataegus pinnatifida callus is induced from cambium and parenchyma cell. The central cylinder of adventitious roots is different, Spiraea bumalda and Spiraea thunbergii are diarch, Rosa xanthina is triarch, Potentilla fruticosa is tetrarch, Prunus tomentosa is pentarch;5. Spiraea bumalda and Spiraea thunbergii and Potentilla fruticosa seed type is non endosperm, embryo goes straight, the root vascular cylinder is diarch; Rosa xanthina and Prunus tomentosa seed type is have endospern , embryo goes curving ,the root is tetrarch; Crataegus pinnatifida seed have endospern.


