

Study on Evaluation and Configurable Patterns of Intensive Utilization of Arable Land in Harerbin

【作者】 李宏

【导师】 王红梅;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 耕地作为人们赖以生存和发展的最根本的物质基础,是人类获取粮食及其它农产品而不可替代的生产资料。农业的发展,人们物质生活水平的提高,乃至整个国民经济的发展直接或间接依赖耕地数量的多寡和质量的好坏。为了保障粮食安全,在中国耕地数量很难保持不变或者增加的情况下,实现耕地集约利用具有特别重要的意义。因此,耕地集约利用方面的研究势在必行。耕地集约利用是土地利用的核心问题之一,如何建立一种科学的评价体系、合理的评价方法以及有效配置模式,是当前土地科学研究的热点问题。本文围绕耕地集约利用评价及其配置模式这一核心,从理论、方法、实证等方面进行了研究,首先明确耕地集约利用的内涵,耕地集约利用是一个动态的概念,耕地集约利用的标准不是一成不变的,而是随着社会进步和科技发展不断变化的。其次介绍了耕地集约利用的相关理论。再次介绍了基于PSR的耕地集约利用评价模型的设计。最后探讨了哈尔滨市耕地集约利用的配置模式和配套措施。本文从耕地利用中的人地关系分析入手,阐述了耕地集约利用的PSR概念系统,并据此构建了评价指标体系,然后采用主成分分析法,从区域时间和空间的角度对哈尔滨市市区及11个市县的耕地集约利用情况进行了测度和评价,并根据评价结果对哈尔滨市耕地集约利用进行模式配置。结果表明:其一,2001-2005年哈尔滨市各地区耕地集约利用度在5年中变化不大,总体上呈现上升的趋势。根据各地区耕地集约利用的特点,可将其大致分为三类:一是市区、阿城、尚志、巴彦和方正,这些地区的耕地集约利用度呈逐年上升的趋势;二是双城市、宾县、延寿县、木兰县和通河县,这些地区在评价期内耕地利用程度略有起伏,但总体上呈现上升的趋势;三是五常市和依兰县的耕地利用集约度呈略微下降的趋势。其二,哈尔滨市西部地区耕地集约利用效益较高,东南部次之,北部偏低,这主要是由于区位优势、产业结构地形特征的差异所致,并根据分析结果,利用ARCGIS技术,绘制了耕地集约利用空间分布等级图。其三,通过分析,发现哈尔滨市耕地集约利用水平与其PSR系统的协调度成正相关。这说明PSR各子系统及其内部各因子之间的协调性很大程度上可以反映耕地集约利用的均衡度,模型可信度比较高,可供有关方面参考借鉴。其四,常规式可持续高产模式、高效节约型模式、立体——多级循环式是今后哈尔滨市耕地集约化利用的最优选择模式。最后,提出了哈尔滨市实现耕地集约配置的措施,一是实行耕地结构调整以促使耕地高效集约利用,二是加大生态农业基地建设的力度和优化农产品布局,三是依靠科技进步提高耕地资源综合效益,四是建立完整的信息监测体系以确保耕地的“质”和“量”,五是大力加强农村土地整理实现小范围内的规模经营和集约经营。

【Abstract】 As the essential material foundation of human’ existence and development, cultivated land is the irreplaceable means of production in food and other agricultural products getting. It depends directly and indirectly on the cultivated land quantity and quality to develop agriculture, to improve people’s life level and to develop the national economy. In order to ensure food security in China’s and remain farmland unchanged or increased hard, the realization of the intensive use of arable land will have special significance. Therefore, the use of arable land intensive research will be imperative.Intensive land use is one of the core issues of arable land. How to establish a scientific assessment system, a reasonable evaluation method and an effective allocation pattern, is currently a hot issue in land scientific research.The paper was researched focus on envaluation of cultivated land intensive use and its allocation pattern from theory, method to instance aspects. First, explicit the content of cultivated land use. Cultivated land intensive use is a dynamic content and its standard is changing as the society and science developing. Second, the paper introduced some relative theories on cultivated land intensive use.Third, the paper introduced appraisal model of cultivated land intensive use based on PSR . The last, it discussed allocation pattern and relative measures of Harbin cultivated land intensive use.This paper explained cultivated land intensive use conception based on PSR starting with the man-land relationship, and esteblished the index system based on PSR model.Then the method of principle component analysis was adopted to calculate the cultivated land intensive use of 11 regions in Harbin with the formation of the index system and the result was graded. At last, it put forward the intensive use pattern for Harbin cultivated land based on appraisal result. Some of the main achievements of the paper could be summarized as follows: The first, from 2001 to 2005, all regions in Harbin had no significant change in cultivated land intensive use. According to the character of intensive use, all the regions could be divided into three parts: the first part included downtown, Acheng, Shangzhi, Bayan, Fangzheng. These regions had a increase in intensive use year by year . The second part included Shuangcheng , Binxian, Yanshou, Mulan and Tonghe.These regions had rise and fall in intensive use among these years, but had a increase on the total. The third part included Wuchang and Yilan; these two regions both had a decrease.The second, cultivated land intensive use in the western of Harbin was the most intensive, the southeastern was the second, the northern was the least, it was because of the different location and industrial structure of these areas. And the author used ARCGIS technology and renderd the intensive use of land distribution grading plans. The third, by analysis found that the intensive use of land in Harbin PSR system and the level of coordination was positive correlation. This showed that the PSR subsystems and internal coordination between the various factors of farmland to a large extent reflected the intensive use of a balanced, relatively high reliability model for information from the parties concerned. The fourth, the conventional model of sustainable high yield and high efficiency-saving model, stereo-Multi-level cycle model are the optimal models of cultivated land intensive use in future in Harbin. Finally, the writer researched intensive cultivated land allocation measures of Harbin: firstly, imply farmland restructuring to promote intensive use, secondly, strengthen construction of eco-agriculture base and optimize distribution of products, thirdly ,rely on the scientific progress to improve integrated benefit of arable land resources, forthly establish a information and monitoring system to ensure farmland quality and quantity, fively promote water-saving irrigation technologies and break a new road fitted for region, sixly strengthen land Consolidation to achieve scale and intensive operation.

  • 【分类号】F323.211;F224
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】611
  • 攻读期成果

