

【作者】 汪斌

【导师】 王争艳;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 依恋理论一直是发展心理学家和社会心理学家用来研究社会适应和亲密关系的理论及方法,研究结果已经应用于亲子教育、心理咨询与治疗等领域,在这些领域中的研究结果发现依恋表征的意识与无意识方面存在某些差异。Bowlby认为,这些差异对了解个体的依恋经历有着重要的意义,但是目前对依恋表征的研究主要集中使用外显自我报告法,可靠和有效的内隐测量工具还不多,因此系统比较依恋表征意识与无意识的研究较少。本研究采用关系等级问卷(RSQ)、亲密关系经历量表(ECR)两份依恋量表和内隐联想测验分别作为研究依恋表征的外显和内隐方法,并回忆童年情绪事件,以103名处于恋爱关系中的大学生为被试,探讨一般依恋表征和特殊依恋表征这两方面的意识性与无意识性之间的一致性,以及一般依恋表征和特殊依恋表征之间如何相互影响。为依恋内部工作模式的理论建构提供实证研究支持,并补充和改进测量依恋无意识的工具。本研究的主要结论有:1.一般依恋表征和特殊依恋表征中,安全型和恐惧型的个体在无意识层面上的反应时表现与外显理论相符,而过度投入型被试在内隐认知上并不认为他人更积极,即过度投入型的被试意识和无意识的表现不一致。2.个体在无意识水平上对目标人物积极评价的差异与个体在意识水平上的依恋状况(一股依恋关系和婚恋关系)有关,说明早期与父母交互作用形成的无意识认知可能影响了目前的成人婚恋依恋状况,但这一仍需要纵向研究的支持。3.自我父母IAT和自我恋人IAT中,认为自己比父母或恋人积极的被试对消极事件的提取时间短,认为父母或恋人比自己积极的被试对消极事件的提取时间长,与外显理论假设相反。4.一般依恋表征中过度投入型和冷漠型被试,内隐联想测验和外显依恋量表结果一致的占33%;特殊依恋表征中过度投入型和冷漠型被试,内隐联想测验和外显依恋量表结果一致的占37%。

【Abstract】 Attachment theory has been used by the developmenttal psychologists and social psychologists to study social adaptation and intimate relationship, the results have been applied to the fields of parent-child education, psychological counseling and treatment, and other fields, in these areas, the study found that there are some differences between the attachment’s consciousness and unconsciousness. Bowlby believe that these differences are helpful in understanding the individual’s attachment experience, but until recently, most of the work on the content of working models has relied on the explicit, self-report measures, there are short of reliable and valid assessments of implicit attachment-related representations, therefore few studies systematically compare explicit and implicit content.This study used Attachment Scales, such as RSQ and ECR, and Implicit Association Test(IAT), to test the 103 students of romantic relationship, discuss the consistency of consciousness and unconsciousness of the general attachment representation and specific-relationship representation, as well as the mutual relation between general attachment representation and special attachment representation. Providing empirical research for the internal working model of attachment, and improving the implicit measurement tools for the attachment’s unconsciousness. The main conclusions of this study are:1. In the general attachment representation and specific-relationship representation, the performance and response in the unconscious level of the individual of secure and fear styles was consistent with explicit theory, the individual of preoccupied style do not think others more active on the implicit level, that is the performance of consciousness and unconsciousness is inconsistent.2. The different judgement of targets in the unconscious level has relationship with the individual’ attachment status(general attachment relationship and romantic relationship), it is maybe that the implicit cognition formed in the early interaction with their parents affect the current adult romantic attachment status, but this still needs the support of a longitudinal study.3. In the self-parents IAT and self-lover IAT, the individual who considered himself is more positive than their parents or lover.they spent less time in retrieving the negative events, the individual who considered their parents or lover are more positive than himself, their retrieving the negative events’ time is longer, this is opposite to the explicit theoretical assumptions.4. There is only a small portion of preoccupied and dismissing attendees has the consistent results of implicit association test and the explicit attachment scales in both general attachment representation and specific-relationship representation.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】544

