

Yun-Ping Chen Ci Research

【作者】 张丽丽

【导师】 邓小军;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 陈允平,南宋末元初词人。作为一位词人,他获得了从宋陈思到清朱彝尊、陈廷焯诸多名家的高度评价;作为一位南宋遗民,他也以坚持民族气节而为人激赏。但是有关他的专篇论文却很少,这就是本文写作的缘起。本文主要通过对陈允平生平事迹及其词作的考察,揭示陈词为人忽略的故国情怀和其独特的艺术成就。第一部分,陈允平的报国之举与忧国之声。这一部分主要通过陈允平生平事迹的尤其是其在亡国之际谋复宋等举动的重点考察来揭示其民族气节;并通过对陈允平《西湖十咏》、《齐天乐·泽国楼偶赋》、《绮罗香·秋雨》等词的分析,揭示其词中或隐或现的忧国念国之情。第二部分,陈允平词的艺术特色。首先通过《绛都春》等词作分析其词和平婉雅的总体艺术特色;因为陈允平比较重视寿词创作,颇具特色,所以随后对陈允平寿词进行了分析;再次,对陈允平词作中改韵词作出考察;最后,因为陈允平有词集《西麓继周集》,和周邦彦词123首,所以这一节通过陈词与周邦彦词的比较及与方千里、杨泽民两位和周词比较,揭示陈允平词独特的艺术特色。

【Abstract】 Chen Yunping is a ci writer who lived at the end of Southern Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty. As a ci writer, he received praise from many celebrities like Chen Si of Song, Chen Tingzhuo and Zhu Yizun of Qing; As a immigrant of Southern Song Dynasty, he was admired for upholding national integrity. However, there are little special papers for him, which is the origin of this paper.In this paper, through exploring Chen yunping’s life and his ci poems, I reveal the native sentiment people ignored of those poems, and their unique artistic achievements.The first part tells Chen yunping’s move to serve the country and his voice to concern about it. Chen’s national integrity is showed in this part through the vertical display of his life deeds and focused introduction to his patriotic move such as the rehabilitation plan in face of subjugation; and also through the analysis of his ci poems such as“West Lake Chant”“Qi Tian Le·Ze Guo Lou Poem”,“Qi Luo Xiang·Autumn Rain”and so on.The second part analyzes the artistic features of Chen’s ci poems. First, through the analysis of his poem“Jiang Du Chun”, it reveals the overall artistic characteristics as peaceful and graceful of his ci poems. Second, because Chen Showed regards to the creation of birthday poems and had his own characteristics, so the analysis of them is followed. Then an introduction to Chen’s Gai Yun Poems is given. Finally, considering Chen’s poetry anthology“Xi Lu Ji Zhou Ji”and imitated Zhou Bangyan’s 123 poems, this section, through the comparison of Chen’s and Zhou’s ci poems and even of Chen’s and Fang Qianli’s and Yang Zemin’s ci poems, analyzes Chen’s unique artistic characteristics.

  • 【分类号】I207.23
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】175

