

A Study of Song Lian’s Concept of Prose

【作者】 陈博涵

【导师】 左东岭;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 元明之际是中国历史上一个特殊的时期,它非但具有朝代更替的政治剧变,更具有汉族复兴的文化变易。政治动荡和种族观念是这一时期影响士人心态的两个主要因素。本文在此基础上以宋濂的心态研究作为突破口,通过对其文章观的把握来深化对此一阶段文学思想的认识。从地域角度来看,其文章观受到金华朱学与浙东事功之学的影响而兼重文辞之义理和事功。但观其一生的文章创作,“斯文”重建之“用”才是其文章观的核心。基于此,文辞达于事功,或以道德之气感化人心,或以雅正之体匡正秩序,便成为宋濂折衷文道的关键所在。故其文章观大体可表述为:以事功为中心,义理是其基础,文辞是其工具。本文在结构安排上充分注意到此一特点,因此,第一章重在阐释宋濂文章观的核心层面,从“斯文”重建之高度观照其文章观的事功与宗经意识;第二章以其治心思想和现实处境为基础,探讨宋濂对文气的理解,注重把握其文气说中气质培养与才气禀赋所带来的文章体貌。第三章重点在于对文本的分析,通过宋濂创作中所表现出来的对文气、体要、神情的重视来总结其为文之观念,从而进一步补充和印证其理论主张。以上诸章为横向之研究,它与第四章的历时性叙述一起构成本文逻辑与历史相统一的结构特点。故第四章在把握宋濂心态的同时,着眼于解释在元末明初大的时代背景下,宋濂文章观得以形成和变化的原因,并以此总括全文。在文学观念的层面上,本文以宋濂的杂文学创作为研究对象,兼顾纯审美性的文章,并由此阐发了其论文重气、宗经雅正的文学思想倾向。依其历史地位而论,宋濂的文章观在明初具有一定的影响力,但前中期文坛对此评价并不高。到了明代后期,尤其是晚明,诸家对宋濂的认识才趋于客观,宋濂也因此以义理、事功、文辞成为明代文人的典范。

【Abstract】 It is a very special period between Yuan and Ming Dynasty, which has the characteristics of political changes of dynasties and more to culture changes within the Han rejuvenation. During this period, psychology of scholar was influenced mostly by political instability and racial sense. And the paper, will basically study the mentality of Song Lian as a breakthrough in the research; grasp the concept of in-depth thinking the stage literature awareness through his articles.From the geographical point of view, the concept of the article of Song Lian effected by "Zhu xi’s doctrine "of Jin hua and "Achievements and Successes Doctrine" of East Zhejiang, more pro-on to the diction argumentation and utilitarianism. Nevertheless, the attention to the practice and utility of the restruction of "Si wen" are the core of his artistic view throughout the whole gallery of his works.Therefore, writing for utility to the practice, wording for morality to the world, and diction for rectification to the order, become the key of compromising the form and content of article. Therefore, Song Lian’s general concept of the article can be expressed as: Utilitarian as the center, argumentation is the base and diction is the instrument.In full consideration of these characteristics, the structure of the paper is built as follow: for the first chapter, the explanation of center stratum of his view, and the statement of his value of utility and classics through the "Si wen"reconstruction; for the second chapter, study on the cultivation of elegance and exquisiteness of the style on the basis of his thought—administration of mind and the present situation; for the third, the conclusion of his theory of article by the analysis of the texts in his works, as the supplementary and proof to his advocates. Here the combination of the first three chapters mentioned above and the last one which is from the historical point of view, brings out the outstanding characteristic,the unification of inner logic and the history. Thus there the whole are summarized in the fourth chapter in terms of the cause for that the idea cherished by Song Lian took shape and evolved under the backdrop of time then. In the paper, his writing of essays, is selected as the major subject, but it also embrace his pure aesthetic works for fully display of his literary orientation for elegant style and classics.Commented on the historical position, although the concept of the article of Song Lian had great influence in the Early Ming, it had not been appraised highly by the critics of the Mid Ming. However, until the Late Ming, the view from people about Song Lian’s concept of prose had been becoming objectively, From then, Song Lian became the model of literati in the Ming Dynasty for his argumentation, utilitarianism and literature.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】365

